Before I get started, we have a new Announcements & Events page where you can find a calendar of events and special news. Stay current peeps!

Make sure you check out the Rock Star Boot Camp Kids Camp page as well. Lots of great info and pictures :)

This weeks Veggie Of The Week and recipes can be found here.

Rock Star Boot Camp Fit & Healthy Facebook Group <-------- JOIN NOW!

I've been asked by a few skeptical friends if working out at Rock Star Boot Camp "really works." Of course us campers KNOW what does the body good: eat clean, train mean, get lean. Simple. We feel the progress daily through our soreness, increased strength, smaller waistlines etc. It's nice to SEE side-by-side how much one can accomplish when they commit themselves to a healthier lifestyle. I've compiled a few pictures posted on the Rock Star Boot Camp Facebook page {LIKE US!}, all in one place. I'll start with one of the more recent. This is April, she is the definition of "Beast Mode."

How does she do it!? Here is a little message from her that came along with these amazing transformation images.

"Okay, this may sound dumb, but I didn't realize that I was REALLY losing weight until yesterday. I know that I've been slimming down a bit and the clothes are fitting nicer-some too big now, but did not realize HOW much weight I had lost. I've attached pics taken on 12/27 and yesterday 3/27. Man! What a HUGE difference 90 days made. I know that my clean eating, coupled with RSB have helped me get close to my normal weight again... and gave me my SEXY back. LOL! 

Last fall, I suddenly gained about 30lbs in 3 months due to undiagnosed health problems. Thankfully, I was blessed to find a MD that believes in holistic healing and treating the ISSUE and not the symptoms. My appointment with him was on 12/27 and after blood testing me for 19 different ailments, he discovered that I had a severe Vitamin D deficiency (less than 1%) which was exacerbating my existing endocrine, insulin and arthritis issues. Hence me developing a weight problem even though I never stopped eating clean or working out--well what I THOUGHT was working out. :)

I remember my first week at camp when we were doing sprint starts (like this morning) and you said that I looked like I had done this before. I told you that I ran track in High School and College and clearly remember you saying "we're going to get your body back into track shape". Of course, I was overweight, achy, and discouraged and did NOT believe you, but YOU believed in me and that kept me coming back to camp each day.  

Every morning as I'm grunting, panting, sweating, and sometimes making Anastasia noises during the workouts, I remember the Dr. that diagnosed me with Rheumatoid Arthritis telling me to limit myself to "light exercise". Yeah right Dr. Dude! I'm a Rock Star now baby and we lift heavy $hit, smile thru the pain, and do BIG THINGS! Thank you for being YOU Curtis!!!"

Next is me :) This one was taking a little over a month ago. You can read more about it at Honey, I Shrunk My Butt.

Diana is another regular Rock Star Boot Camp member. I hear that she hasn't missed a single work out since her vacation in December! That's some serious commitment right there!

She posted this pic some time ago:

And her most recent:

Doesn't she look great?!

It's not only the ladies, look how toned up Tony got.

Now for last and definitely not least is Andrew. I don't have a before picture of him (still working on that and I'll post it soon as he sends me one!) but I do have his written  testimonial part way through his journey and a NEW photo of him accomplishing a MAJOR goal.

Andrew emailed me a Before pic, see below!!

"My name is Andrew Tomlinson. I started at Rock Star Boot Camp in late October of 2011 and have had a ton of success. It would be impossible to list all of my motivators or cover my entire weight loss journey in just a few short paragraphs, but I will try my best.

In junior year of high school my interest was sparked to join the Army National Guard, and bounced back and forth between joining and not for a couple of years, around the time of my 19th birthday, after I had graduated and attended two semesters of college at Paradise Valley Community College, I knew a 9-5 life wasn't for me, however, I was extremely intimidated by the work ahead of me to get to where I wanted to be.

I started my journey at 5' 10" and 292lbs, in January of 2011. I was completely new to everything fitness, and health. I messed around for five months on my own, using a stationary bike, walking, and fighting with myself everyday to find excuses not to train, going through a few serious mental and emotional battles to keep myself trying. I can't count the number of times I "gave up". After my 20th birthday, in May of 2011, I decided it was time to take control, or so I thought. A family friend and I began going to the gym every other day, and I was able to stay consistent with it for four months. In those months I was able to drop from 290 to 250, without any serious considerations of diet or cardio - It was strictly upper body weight lifting.

After those four months, early September 2011, we unfortunately stopped going to the gym, and I completely fell off track. It honestly felt like the end for me. It felt impossible to lose weight and no matter what I did on my own, the weight would come back.

Then something amazing happened, one single life changing email, and I had absolutely no idea what was coming. I opened my Groupon e-mail, and according to my doctor, it saved my life. Being a 20 year old Asthmatic, and a smoker, I had no idea what I was doing to my body. I learned in early October that I had a severe lung infection (which I still am trying to get rid of - three rounds of antibiotics have not cleared it up - I just found out about a month ago it is Pneumonia) and was told that if I did not change my habits I wouldn't make it past 40.

So I opened up the Groupon e-mail, and thanks to the support and motivation of my parents, I spent the most meaningful dollars of my life. Now I have been a "Rock Star" for almost three months and have managed to quit smoking, I've changed my dieting habits, and have began writing everything that I eat down which helps me count calories and I have only missed a handful of classes. Those were all in the first month and a half. I can honestly say I've become addicted (a little better addiction than smoking - right :) ) Thanks to Rock Star Boot Camp I have lost over 45 pounds IN UNDER THREE MONTHS - I didn't know that was possible, and my strength has...tripled? Quadrupled? (Whats the word for 5?).

I can make it over the climbing wall - did it twice today 1/12.

Now it is January 2012, and I am 203 lbs, and have just under 15 lbs to lose until I can finally achieve my goal that I have been working on for almost two years, to enlist. I couldn't have done it without the support of so many people, my parents, friends, especially the one who got me going to the gym originally, as well as a ton of campers - Zach, Scott, (I think Tiffany? She motivated me to get over the wall the first time), Erika, Rachelle, and of course Curtis. I know there are people I missed and I apologize. Everyone at Rock Star is simply amazing, the compliments alone can drive someone to keep showing up, working your hardest, and being the best you can be.

Thanks for reading - and thank you Rock Star for everything you've done!"

A few months later, Andrew has now lost a total of 70 pounds, and here he is being sworn in to the National Guard (in his RSBC shirt!). Great job Andrew, you are truly inspirational to so many, thank you for your selfless future service to our country!


We want to see YOUR transformation. Please send a before and after picture to Don't worry about the side-by-side, I can put that together in Photoshop :)