I need to be clear about something.

I'm not long slow cardio "hater", really I'm not.

But I am about getting results in the shortest amount of time,

results in the real world.

Listen, when I was single, back in college, with nothing

better to do than to spend hours in the gym, extended cardio sessions were just fine.

Now days, with my wife, 2 baby boys and a busy life...

seriously, who has that kind of time to spend running on a treadmill?

I sure don't. My guess is that you don't either.

So let's look at this from another angle.

If I had two options for optimum fat loss: interval training or long steady state cardio training, I would always use the interval option.


Well, I'm a big believer in maximizing time and accelerating benefits for my clients, and the majority of my clients (heck the majority of the world's population) is always short on time.

So realistically, long slow cardio sessions don't work in the real world.

Not to mention the increased results that interval training brings to the table!

But once the weight training and interval training is completed, there is no problem with doing long slow cardio sessions (if you have the time).

Long slow cardio is not evil and it will not compromise your results, if your nutrition is on track and you are performing the proper strength training first.

Just don't make these "cardio-thon" sessions the focus of your fat loss efforts.

Make today better than yesterday and enjoy!