New Non-Stop Fat Loss Boot Camp Survey

New summer season, new sizzling workouts, amazing results...

it is all in store, and it'll just keep getting BETTER...with YOUR input.

In fact, I NEED your order to keeping giving you guys want you
really want, go ahead and give me some critical feedback on what to offer:

Click here to take this short 60 second survey!

For all my boot campers, future boot campers, blog readers, newsletter subscribers...

Help me help you!

Here's the link again:

One Thing to NEVER Do in Hopes of Burning Body Fat

So how was your Memorial Day weekend?

Family, fun, great times...all because of the amazing men and women of the most powerful military on the planet - a HUGE THANK YOU to all have and are currently serving the United States of America!

OK, so let's be honest...did you blow your diet on the weekend?

Skip your workouts?

Don't worry, it happens.

But here's one thing you must NOT do if you want to get back on
track and transforming your body.

Do NOT hit the "treadmill confessional", thinking you are going to out-exercise a poor diet - it simply is NOT going to happen.

So don't bother heading to the gym, hopping on the (Insert favorite cardio machine here) for 90 minutes of boring steady state cardio in hopes of outrunning all the damage that has been done.

You WILL be disappointed by the lack of long term results.

Hell, I could show you tons of social proof and proven research that reveals that even after 300 hours of cardio during the course of 365 days only helped carve off a measly 6 pounds.

You need to find ways to make better use of your here are 3 things you NEED to do right now for maximum body transformation in the shortest amount of time.

1-Let lean proteins, fruits and vegetables dominate your daily meal plan. OK, so you went overboard at the family BBQ. That was yesterday - this is now...start fresh today.

2-To get your body back into muscle building, fat burning must use strength training coupled with metabolic intervals. If you like to jog on the treadmill or whatever cardio machine floats your boat, do that AFTER you have performed your strength based, interval training. Since your metabolism is in direct correlation to the lean muscle you have on your body, you must increase your lean muscle tissue to increase your metabolism. Interval training is PROVEN 9 times more effective than ordinary, state state cardio. Period.

3-Don't forget the details: take a high quality whole food multivitamin, drink plenty of water, take an omega-3 supplement, getting enough sleep, and make sure your post workout recovery meal is always ready to go, are all very important components to being successful.

Listen, there is no magic pill for fat loss - albeit there are hundreds of products on the market that will have you believe otherwise ;)

Melting fat off your body and transforming it into something that will allow you to stay healthy, fit and sexy for life is HARD WORK. Make no mistake.

However, when the time comes that you step out of the shower, taking a look in the mirror, and say "Damn, I look goooooood!" - you'll know it was worth it ;)

Bring the intensity!


Outstanding & Real Benefits of Krill Oil

This is a bonus post I wanted to throw up in addition to our earlier workout related post that went up this morning...since nutrition is 80++% responsible for optimal ab fat loss, it's worth the time.

There are all sorts of crappy supplements on the market you don't need. Some of the stuff is flat out useless. Some of the stuff is good, but the actual product and brand is lousy.

And then, there are some products that are just flat out amazing for you.

Bottom line: The health benefits associated with a quality Krill Oil supplement are just too powerful to ignore. I don't know if I can be any more blunt about it.

Besides the fact Krill Oil doesn't cause "fish burps" like fish oil capsules do, its just one of the best sources of Essential Fatty Acids.

Krill Oil can also:

Help protect your heart

Improve your memory

Strengthen your immune system

Minimize the damage caused by free radicals

Reduce joint pain and PMS symptoms

Aid the fat loss process

I'm telling you, it really is one heck of a powerful supplement. And the only brand I recommend is the brand I personally trust is - Prograde Nutrition.

Their EFA Icon is the best Krill Oil product on the market, as far as I'm concerned.

Crank the intensity!


PS - Again, believe me when I say that there are all sorts of lousy supplements on the market. But a solid Krill Oil product is NOT one of them. It's an extremely powerful nutritional product with extraordinary benefits. For the best quality Krill Oil get Prograde Nutrition's EFA Icon

PPS - Prograde also includes the research studies on Krill Oil. Just click on one of the links above to check those out. You'll find them at the bottom of the page.

4 Minute Memorial Day Quickie Fat Loss Workout

I have a few diet tips to survive the weekend onslaught of junk food temptations, but first...

Fact: the absolute best way to build muscle that will burn fat and boost metabolism the fastest way humanly possible is to perform total body movements in a peak intensity interval fashion.

Since our boot camp program is build on this foundation of high metabolic training, let’s pair a couple of powerhouse moves into a workout you can do in just 4 minutes.

After a proper dynamic warm-up, prepare to perform the following 2 exercises in alternating format using a 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off sequence.

Exercise #1: Push Up Variation
Exercise #2: Squat Variation

You will repeat this 30 second round a total of 8 times for a total of 4 minutes.

Check out one of our boot camp Top Performers, Kristina, as she demonstrates that a really busy mom like herself can be strong, lean and fit!

-Take note she is rockin’ the rear foot elevated pushups and awesome “butt to the ground” deep deep deep squats!

Congratulations…you’ve just set your body in motion to jump start a serious calorie burn and metabolic burst that will last all Memorial Day long.

Now, keeping your calorie and diet in check, make sure you employ some body fat combat strategies:

~ Try to make better choices…chicken over hot dogs, fish over fries., grilled veggies over fatty fried stuff.
~ Keep portion sizes on the real – think “fist” sized proteins, pile up on the fruits, veggies and limit the desserts to the bare minimum…this could be a slippery slope if you let it! So don’t. ;)
~ Be aware of calories consumed - avoid high calorie appetizers and multiple servings.
~ Look for hidden nutrition danger – high calorie/sodium condiments and side dishes can do more damage to your flat belly and sexy abs mission than you might think!

Stay safe and healthy - we'll catch up with you next week...

Bring the intensity!


7 Popular Exercises to AVOID

In the past, I’ve shared the best exercises for rapid fat loss and strengthening muscles, featuring variations of multi-joint, compound movements for your upper body (e.g. push-ups, pull-ups, rows, dips, etc.), lower body (squats, deadlifts, lunges, etc.), and core (pillar holds and rotational core exercises). These exercises will provide the biggest bang each and every time, for maximum results in less time. Even better are total body combo exercises like a squat to curl or lunge to press or a squat thrust and pillar variation that takes the whole body workouts to new level.

But, that is not what today’s information is about.

Let’s focus on the most popular exercises you should NEVER do. The following list includes movements and machines that deliver little to no results and can even cause injury.

The 7 Popular Exercises You Should NEVER Do

1.) Abs Machine

Walk into ANY gym on the planet - you will find this useless hunk of junk.

Here's the deal: Crunches and sit-ups only promote excessive flexion of the lumbar spine and tend to cause neck and back pain.

What’s worse than crunches or sit-ups?

Doing a similar movement with added weight in a machine that only trains your body in an unnatural front to back motion in a seated position! Yup, good ol' ab machine!

Yes, an abs machine, like a crunch or sit-up, do make you "feel" like you're working the abdominal muscles, but there are far better ways to accomplish this without the high risk of short and long-term injury to your spine.

Remember, the true function of your core is stabilization, both static and dynamic- to be able to maintain a neutral, straight-line position from your hips to your shoulders in all 3 planes of movement (front to back, side to side, and rotational) no matter what the external stimulus may be. In other words: STOP doing this stupid machine, and while you're at it, ELIMINATE crunches and sit ups from your fat loss workout routine. It's pointless for melting fat from your belly.

Better Training Update: For lean, athletic abdominals, you need to focus on pillar stabilization exercises like front, side, and back pillars with ground based rotational core movements with chop variations and upper body twisting motions.

2.) Lower Back Machine

If I DESPISE this useless abs machine, what do think I have to say about the “lower back” machine?

Just like its counterpart, you see it in every gym on the planet...and yet, it still ranks as one of the most stupid exercise machines ever created.

First, people already use too much of their “back” on most movements because of having tight hips, joints and inactive or weak glute muscles. Because of this, I recommend to focus more on hip extension movements that strengthen your rear, rather than continually overloading the spinal erectors. This will help correct muscle imbalances.

Second, just like the abs machine, this bonehead machine trains your body in one plane of movement - in a fixed path and, as a result, does not strengthen your key stabilizer muscles. Big omission, not good.

Lastly, the way that most people perform this movement is out of control – fast, jerking of the weight back and forth…not a good idea when it comes to performing any type of weight training.

Better Training Update: For a functionally strong, stable back, you should focus on correctly performing more deadlifts, good mornings, and hip extension variations while simultaneously focusing on the corrective stretching and self-massage of the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip (LPH) area. A prone cobra, or airplane as it is sometimes called, is also a great exercise to improve spinal erector endurance while simultaneously improving scapular strength and stability.

3.) Leg Extension Machine

OK, I’ll admit it…I remember doing this exercise machine years and years ago. I thought I was so cool in the gym, because I would load up the entire stack and abuse the living hell out of knees trying to accomplish 3 sets of 10. I cringe when I think of the damage I could easily do the 2 most precious joints on my body.

Listen, here is the bottom line…this machine has the potential to cause havoc on your knees.

The excessive compressions on your patella will without a doubt results in the brake down of articular cartilage, which will in turn result in a bunch of arthroscopic knee surgeries to remove loose bodies and eventually full blown crippling arthritis. Doesn’t sound fun to me.

In other words: Avoid this machine like swine flu!

Better Training Update: For functionally strong, stable knees, focus on both knee-dominant (lunge, step-up, and single-leg squat variations) with hip-dominant SINGLE-leg exercises (single-leg hip extension, deadlift, and good morning variations) to prevent strength imbalances between limbs AND to prevent muscle imbalances between your front and backside muscle groups.

4.) Fly Machine

If your goal is tear your chest apart and destroy your shoulder's rotator cuff, then by all means, please include this machine to your exercise routine.

Again, the use of this machine virtually eliminates the valuable stabilizer muscle training…especially in and around your shoulders. Big omission, not good.

Better Training Update: For functionally strong, stable shoulder muscles, you should focus on performing an equal amount of pushing and pulling exercises. In fact, more pulling exercises initially may be a good idea if you find yourself hunchbacked from years of focusing on your mirror muscles (chest, abs, and arms) while neglecting your shoulders (front, upper and mid shoulder areas). For pushing exercise ideas, the best thing you can do is include a plethora of these push up variations. With proper form and technique, they will safely train the entire front side of your body but will also engage your upper back musculature in a way that the bench press never could.

You can also benefit from adding a dumbbell fly movement to your routine as well.

5.) Elliptical Machine

Listen, if you are struggling with severe obesity and have not exercised in over 10 years, then this machine MIGHT have a small purpose. Otherwise, it’s not really the best. Not even close.

Yes, it is a low-impact alternative to running on a treadmill (which just the thought of makes my knees ache), but there is limited range of motion during the movement and does not burn nearly as many calories as the little control panel on the machine claims it does.

Furthermore, the elliptical is not a good machine to do fat-burning intervals on because it promotes excessive hyperextension or strain on the knee. This can easily result in injury at high levels of speed or resistance. Ouch. However, if you are looking for a quick steady-state cardio fix following your peak intensity interval training, this maybe might be a choice, but not usually.

Think about this for a moment…what is very first machine people who are new to bodyweight cardio exercise try when they are in the gym? The elliptical! Why? Because it’s so freakin’ easy!

Trust me, I have been there…plodding away for hours on this dang thing. I used to convince myself that the elliptical was a good option for me because I wanted to protect my knees. But then I finally woke up one day I realized I needed to get better results and provide better recovery from my training. This included corrective stretching and self-massage on my front/inner/outer hips and thighs to improve my tissue recovery and ability to heal AND improve hip and ankle mobility to take pressure off of my knees so that I could be functionally strong and limber.

Better Training Update:
For optimal results during your cardio training, you have to focus on intervals. It’s a fact that these protocols will burn 9 times more body fat than aerobics and also result in greater improvements in overall conditioning than long, boring, steady-state cardio. If you are overweight/de-conditioned and/or have joint issues, a more logical place to start an interval training program is on a spin bike, or better yet, an Airdyne Bike which has both upper and lower body attachments to make it more of a complete body conditioning workout.

If you want to crank it equipment free, use body weight based exercises like jumping jacks, stationary running, split jumps and the like.

6.) Abductor/Adductor Combo Machine AKA "Sex Machine"

Ah, the seated sex machine… this one reminds me a time years and years ago where me and my buddies would stand around at the gym watching some hot chick crank out 100 reps, or if we were lucky, a 1,000 reps on this dumb machine. Yes, those were the good times. ;)

But here is the reality:
no amount of opening and closing of your legs on this machine will help you fit into your “skinny jeans”. I know you’re smiling – I laughed out loud when I just wrote that description.

Women all over the world seem convinced to this day that this “naughty” machine can some how help them burn off the cellulite or rid themselves of the “jiggle thigh syndrome”.

How many times have I heard: “What exercises can I do to get rid of this flabby leg fat” or to “trim and tone” their legs? Way too many to count.

Shall I remind you that spot reduction training is a MYTH? Seriously, no amount of direct inner or other hip-thigh rotations will burn that unhealthy fat covering those sexy legs buried deep inside.

What do you say? You with me? First, clean out all of the junk carbs from your daily diet and starting consuming lean proteins, healthy fats, and fruits and nutrient dense veggies every 2-4 hours while pouring water down your throat like a crazy person. The reality is that most of us do not drink enough water, though you think you might. Drink more. Got it?

Then of course, get off that seated sex machine and get your hiney into a total body interval based workout!

Better Training Update:
The most effective movement and exercises for your inner and outer-hip thigh will come from band-resisted hip walk variations, side pillar variations, and any and all single-leg exercises, especially multi-directional lunges (lateral, semi-lateral, etc.)

For some awesome resistance band exercise ideas, you've got to head over and check this out:
Band Training

7.) Leg Press Machine

If you are leg pressing, then you don’t know squat. Yes, pun intended ;).

It never ceases to amaze me how we all look for the easy way out when it comes to working out. It’s clear why people prefer to leg press - they get to virtually lay way back or just sit on their rear (depending the machine variation at the time)

If you want both nice legs and a flat midsection then you need to squat! This is the king of all exercises and is a must.

And no, you can’t squat lying on the ground, sorry. :(

The reality is that squats are a tough exercise. They require more muscle fiber than you can imagine. Plus, they require a significant amount of intense effort most people are not willing to give…which is why most never see the results they truly desire.

If that weren’t enough, this brainless leg press machine could very well be a major contributing cause for the rapidly increasing number of injured, bulging and herniated discs among avid gym members. People almost always use too much weight and use bad form resulting in brutally compressive forces on the knees and spine.

Better Training Update: The simplest, most effective (and safest) exercises for your lower body are a healthy combination of double-leg and single-leg exercises using free weights and body weight based movements. Be sure to perform an equal amount of knee-dominant lower body exercises (e.g. squats and lunges) and hip-dominant lower body exercises (e.g. deadlifts and single-leg hip extensions) to make your knees, hips, upper and lower back strong and injury free.

Have you noticed that each one of the useless, injury prone exercises involves a MACHINE?

Get off those damn machines and focus on performing useful, functional movements using your body weight…then throw some toys in the mix: free weights, bands, stability balls, etc.

Not only will you see better results with your fat-burning and muscle-building efforts, but more importantly, you’re not gonna end up hunched over, walking with a limp and broken down knees by age 45;)

Bring the intensity!


PS - What other exercises do you see people doing in the gym that make you cringe? What other exercises do you absolutely hate? What exercises have gotten you (or your clients) hurt in the past?

Go ahead and share your personal experiences by posting a comment to this blog post, thanks!

Transformation Contest - STOP Doing Crunches - 2 Boot Camp Workouts of the Day

PREVIEW ANNOUNCEMENT: Our 1st Annual Summer Meltdown 6-Week Transformation Contest is coming…June 22-July 30! We’re going to be cranking up the intensity in our boot camp and really get our nutrition in check, along with bonus contest camp workouts for the truly dedicated contestants.

AND there will be a Grand Prize worth more than $1200…More details will be forthcoming.


Here are 4 Reasons Why Crunches Still SUCK for Fat Loss:

1) Crunches still suck for fat loss because they are not an intense exercise.

Unfortunately, crunches just don't get the heart
rate up high enough to benefit from the short,
peak-intensity style of exercise that is essential for
achieving maximum fat loss results in minimal time.
Aren’t those the results we’re really after?

2) Crunches still suck because they place too much strain on your lower back.

You sit at your desk all day…now your spine is
compressed and places a great deal of strain on
your lower back. This gets worse,
if especially if you slouch down in your chair.

When you are performing crunches your spine is compressed EVEN MORE
with every crunch that you take.

And this is good for why, exactly?

Seriously...not a good idea and definitely not what your back needs right now.
The reality is that your abs are NOT designed to “crunch”, they are designed to “stabilize” your upper and lower body. Train them as such!

3) Crunches still suck because they bore the heck outta me.

Gone are the endless crunch workouts. Dead, outta here, over, kaput.
Say goodbye to those stupid ab infomercials.
Now, there are so many outstanding exercises that will build more muscle that will burn the muffin tops right off. Planks, push ups, squats and the like (with all their glorious variations) are the ones you would be sticking with to see those sexy abs start to pop.

4) Crunches suck because they only target one small area of your body.

That’s it. Coupled with the fact that body fat spot reduction is a MYTH, what you should be focusing on for melting belly blubber is to train with exercises that stabilize the abdominals through total body movements.

Try plank variations or front loaded dumbbell squats…now THAT’S an ab workout for ya ;)

Now, listen – I’m gonna come clean here…I was once one of those misled gym rats who would spend the typical 10-15 minutes doing my crunches and variations there of after each workout. Fortunately, I was able to learn better more effective protocols for getting the results I really wanted. How about you?

Monday was one of our classic fat loss workouts features the 40 s on-20 s off supersets…here’s one for the record books:

Monday: 40-20 “When Good Workouts Go Bad”

Band Row
Band Forward Lunge w/ SA Press*
Suicide Planks
Band Reverse Lunge w/ SA Curl
DB Step Up
Renegade Rows
Push Up w/ Knee Up
Ground Sky Squats
DB Swings

Monday’s Top Performer was Brenda Gillespie: her core and stability strength has skyrocketed and her form is spot on! Outstanding job!

Thursday: 30-30 When Intervals Go Bad” Episode #51409
Station 1 of 4:
Ex1: Top Loaded Cross Under Lunge - LEFT
Ex2: T-Stab
Ex1: Top Loaded Cross Under Lunge - RIGHT
Ex2: T-Stab Shoulder Touches
ACTIVE REST – Repeat for a total of 5 Minutes
Station 2 of 4:
Ex1: Low Step Up with Front Shoulder Raise
Ex2: DB Good Morning
Ex1: Low Step Up with Front Shoulder Raise (Single DB/or Double DB)
Ex2: DB Straight Leg Deadlift
ACTIVE REST – Repeat for a total of 5 Minutes
Station 3 of 4:
Ex1: Neg Push (ISOHold)
Ex2: Single Leg Hip Ext*
Ex3: Goblet Squat
Ex4: Lateral Windmill Touches
ACTIVE REST – Repeat for a total of 5 Minutes
Station 4 of 4 (CURB):
Ex1: ULBE Left
Ex2: DB Row Left
Ex1: ULBE Right
Ex2: DB Row Right
ACTIVE REST – Repeat for a total of 5 Minutes

4 Minute Screamer to Finish the Day
(8 sec bursts for 12 total rounds)

Speed Squats
Band Sprints

(Watch as Allan chooses to do full 8 second sprints…he’s that little black streak racing by at about the :32 mark - GO ALLAN!!)

PS: By the way…I heard some other boot camps around town call themselves “the toughest workout in the valley”. Oh really?

I think there are a few campers in our group that would beg to differ. ;)

Don’t take my word for it…come see for yourself!

Our next 2 week free trial begins June 22, reserve your spot today because space is limited. ANNNNND…don't forget June 22 will also mark the launch of our 6 Week Summer Meltdown Transformation Contest, where 1 lucky winner will win over $1200 in prizes! (Details coming soon…)

Curtis Hoekstra, CFT
Redesigned Website: Arizona Fitness Boot Camp
Direct Line: 480-981-6877

What I Saw At Disneyland!

During our recent off-week from boot camp, my wife Amy and I took our little boys, Steele (age 2) and Lincoln (age 1), to Disneyland for the first time…what a blast!

To see their eyes light up at the sights and sounds of the “happiest place on earth” is something we’ll never forget.

And we even made it to the beach!

The good news:
the concession stands were offering better choices like fresh fruit cups, bowls of grapes, apples, bananas and other healthier snacks like a no-preservative added bag of trail mix (my favorite of the day).

The bad news:
most adults and their children were struggling
with body fat and being overweight…and funny how it works, these were the same folks
LINED down the street at the ice cream parlor. Now don’t get me wrong – I like an ice cream treat every now and then, but the REALITY is that most follow this as a lifestyle choice, not a special occasion “treat”.

Back to the good news:
we walked A LOT that day and burned a ton of calories, so it was all good in the end ;).

So back at the hotel, you know me…I had to check out the Hyatt’s fitness center – which was pretty nice – complete with towels, water, some dumbbells, a few machines and a row of treadmills.

Now if you have paid attention to the workout protocols from our boot camp, you know we don’t use treadmills and we don’t use machines. If you are wondering why not, you’ll have to ask me later…the reasons are plentiful and beyond the scope of this blog post. ;)

Now, I was able to sneak in a couple early morning 20 minute bodyweight/dumbbell circuits: one of which was a super charged peak-intensity 50-10 circuit of:

Decline Push Ups,
DB Swings,
Mountain Climbers
Curl + Press

However, what I saw other people doing in the gym is pretty commonplace everywhere you go…folks walking in and going for a light jog on the treadmill, watching (insert your favorite show) on the gym TV.

Maybe they crank out a few reps on a couple machines…then do some crunches as their “ab” work.

Unfortunately, for fat loss…this is NOT using a proven, efficient way to accomplish this goal.

Folks might think they are doing the right things, but the reality is that they are not…they are simply wasting valuable time with mediocre to zero results for all their hard work.

So the next time you’re traveling this summer and you want a quick, effective bodyweight based fat burning workout…think about what I’m saying and you’ll be miles ahead of the herd running endlessly on the treadmills. ;)

Crank the intensity!


5 Anchors That Keep Busy Moms From Their Fitness Goals

I love to help busy moms reclaim and reshape their bodies!

TIME TO EXERCISE? Are you kidding me?

Most moms I know are without a doubt the most selfless women in the universe. Taking care of their hubby, kids and everything else. Honestly, sometimes I wish they would just be a little more selfish sometimes and make their personal physical and mental well-being a bit more of a priority.

Many good mothers miss the boat when it comes to their staying in tip top shape. In general, they tend to think that it’s okay to put all of their personal ambitions aside for the good of their friends and family. For most, they miss simple cues to integrate healthier elements into their lives.

To begin, a mom who doesn’t workout and doesn’t eat the right foods at the right times will not be running on all cylinders…and that is going to mean big problems keeping up their hectic duties and reshaping their body at the same time.

Multi-Tasking These Days?

I think I have narrowed down the 5 critical anchor points that tend to hold a lot of moms back from getting the stronger, more toned body they so desperately are seeking.

So here they are (in random order):

Anchor #1- Skipping Meals, Especially Breakfast

Many moms are simply on a non-stop ride from daylight to sundown…and then some. Coping with the being the best parent possible and maybe even holding down a career outside the home. The first part of the day is especially hard, since so many duties call…getting the kids off and seeing the husband out the door, just to name a few. Trying to actually enjoy a nutritious breakfast for themselves is rarely in the cards.

Set that alarm 6 minutes earlier and make it a point NEVER to miss breakfast!

It starts with missing breakfast…then the inevitable: a host of other missed meals and unhealthy snacks throughout the day. This is the vicious circle that repeats and deprives your physique of lean, toned body mass while simultaneously priming your body to overeat junk food later in the day and store ugly, unwanted fat. Furthermore, this starvation protocol creates havoc with blood sugar levels, zapping energy and leaves you feeling sluggish, irritable and lethargic the entire day.

The good news? There is always time for breakfast…if you look for the most convenient, healthier on-the-go choices. Better yet, you could take a few extra minutes to plan ahead the night before to enjoy a breakfast high in lean protein and fiber.

One solution that’s worked really well for our boot camp clients is called Prograde Lean. It’s a tasty meal replacement shake that contains a whopping 35 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber. What’s the best part about it? It leaves NO room for excuses! All you need to do is put a scoop or 2 into water, mix, and enjoy.

Or what about those so-called “healthy breakfast bars” you see all over the grocery store now days?

That could be fine, but just realize that most of these "health" bars are filled with high levels of processed sugar and junk you don’t need. Look at the ingredient list and see for your self.

However, ONE bar I tend to like is the "Larabar".
You can find these at most local stores...and when you do, look at the ingredient list: it literally consists of just 1 to 3 things. Easy, simple, clean. I approve ;).

And if you want, you can learn more about Prograde Lean HERE.

Anchor #2- Not Keeping Your Workouts Regular

This one is simple, yet oh so powerful. Think about it…moms never miss an appointment for their kids. Why? Well yes, it’s because they love them, but more importantly, it’s because they love their kids enough to religiously schedule their appointments for the best post possible care.

Set your workout schedule and treat them like they are your kid’s dentist appointment!

If you are a busy mom who is serious about staying fit and lean, then you absolutely need to take the same approach with your workouts.

In addition, you need to be sure that you schedule in your daily workouts when you are most likely to do them rather than when you prefer to do them. For example, sometimes I prefer to workout in the afternoon, but with my very busy work schedule, it’s best for me to get my workout done first thing in the morning. This way the stresses of work never get in the way of my fitness.

In my experience, most Moms work best when doing their workouts either first thing in the morning while the kids are still sleeping, or right after they drop their kids off from school. It seems that too many unexpected things pop up during the day that prevents a regular workout. But, regardless of when the best time for you may be, just schedule it in and stick to it like it’s a family commitment!

Anchor #3- Too Much Mindless Snacking All Day

So many time, I talk with busy parents, especially moms, who consider their diet to be “not that bad”. Of course, they typically experience limited nutrition success…and the culprit is usually too many extra treats, snacks and empty calories during the course of the day. It wasn’t that they were being dishonest about it - rather most people don’t really keep track of or even comprehend how much they actually put in their bellies every day.

Think about it for a moment…most of us are guilty to some degree…just mindlessly eat something during the day. All of us do it and trust me, it can add up and fast!

Too many of us spend too much time in the kitchen surrounded by “tasty” food all day, snacking a lot more than they realize!

Yes, we’re all human...sometimes you have to sample something you just KNOW is not the best food choice. That’s OK, but you need to understand that regular “taste testing” can sabotage your fat loss goals.

Plus, a lot busy moms get into trouble with the frequent snacking practices of their children, which unfortunately usually ill-advised choices at best. Processed crackers, cookies, chips…it’s tough to pass on food when it’s always in your face. One chip turns to just one more, then just one more – then you look down and realize you’ve snarfed down the entire bag!

My advice is to guard your mouth and the fat-burning furnace it leads to with lock and key. Ask yourself every time you bring something close to your lips the following question:

“Will this help me burn fat and build muscle?”

If “NO” - put it down and go read a book ;)

Anchor #4 - Too Much Cardio or “Stroller Jogging”

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love to see moms being active. It’s great to get outside and move with your kids. In fact, it’s absolutely mandatory! However, we need to be honest about the fact that it’s not really feasible to exercise with any measurable amount of real intensity while pushing a stroller.

Instead, it turns into a lot of slow to moderate, even “steady-state” or single speed movement.

If you are using this as the primary source for your fat-loss workout, you are missing out big time!

Interval training, NOT steady-state one speed movement, burns 9 times more body fat than that slow jog you are on. Aerobic training can burn a few calories but it simply doesn’t crank up your metabolism like interval training does. And the true power of interval training comes from the intensity of each work period.

Seriously, just how much real intensity can your stroller cardio workouts have when you are pushing your baby?

You and I both realize you wouldn’t do anything to put your baby in harm’s way…so it’s probably not in your best interest to crank out some high intensity sprints while pushing a stroller.

I know that I certainly wouldn’t trust my clumsy feet doing interval sprinting bursts with a baby’s safety literally in my hands.

So, get out and push a stroller, maybe even jog a little…enjoy the outdoors with your family. However, don’t make the mistake and think that you are getting anywhere close to the same kind of benefit that you could be getting with open space, hands free(and baby-free)high-intensity intervals.

Anchor #5- Too Many Glasses Of Wine In The Evening

Nobody wants to hear that a glass or two of wine every night is going to stop your fitness goals in its tracks. But the reality of the matter is that alcohol has a 2-prong effect – paralyzing the fat-burning process while simultaneously creating excess fat within the body. And a bonus for you…alcohol tends to lower inhibitions leading to the consumption of other snack food…which usually equates to junk food. Not so good.

A couple glasses of wine per day can buy you a one-way ticket to muffin-top city… sorry!

So I say “zip it” to all of those yo-yos who claim: “consuming several glasses of wine a day is healthy because it has anti-oxidants and that keeps you from getting sick.” This is just a bunch of babble from drunk doctors who are trying to convince themselves that it’s okay to drink regularly and be healthy - but it’s not!

Fruit and veggies have more anti-oxidants and tons of other health benefits, so we just need to cut the crap that wine is an important part of a healthy diet.

Now, I do want to be sensitive to those busy, hard-working moms who have a glass of wine at the end of the day to unwind and take some of the load off of their shoulders because I get that. I am busy dad of 2 babies, so trust me – I feel your pain ;).

But I also know there are other healthier ways to de-stress that don’t have such a negative effect on your body composition. Activities like stretching, foam rolling, taking a bath, reading a book or even trying to snooze a little more are going to prove much more beneficial in creating your new and improved lean body.

So please remember- if you booze it, you will NOT lose it!

Oh, and one more thing…dads like myself know that all you moms are the ones that truly make this world go round…so THANKS for all you do!

Have a great day transforming your body,


PS: Have you seen the changes we've made to

Eating for Flat, Sexy Abs - 2 Killer Boot Camp Workouts - 1 Yummy Dessert Recipe

2 “Healthy” Foods You Should NOT Eat for Flat, Sexy Abs

1-Lean Cuisine – Glazed Chicken (listen, it doesn’t really matter which Lean C product we look at – they are all processed the same way).

There is nothing “lean” about it – especially if you are talking about eating something to help create a sexy, toned and strong body.

Let’s get past the marketing buzz words and nice pretty packaging and get the heart and soul – the all important ingredient list!

Check it out (direct from the product website):

Ingredient List:Cooked chicken tenderloins (chicken tenderloins, high fructose corn syrup, water, corn oil, modified cornstarch, lemon juice concentrate, sodium phosphates, salt, caramel color, potassium chloride, garlic, onion, paprika, spice), water, blanched enriched long grain rice (rice, ferric phosphate, niacin, thiamin mononitrate and folic acid), green beans, mushrooms, onions, blanched wild rice, modified cornstarch, sugar, salt, cultured whey, chicken fat, lemon juice concentrate, caramel color, dehydrated onions, spices, dehydrated garlic, paprika

Yeaaaah…um, I think I’m gonna have to pass…and if I were you, I would too!

2-“Multi-grain” Wheat Thins

Ohhh, but it says “multi-grain” – it must be healthy, right?


Again, let’s skip the marketing buzz word crap and flip over to the ingredient list…and we find:

(taken directly from Wheat Thin’s website) –

Ingredient List: Enriched flour (wheat flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), folic acid, whole wheat flour, vegetable shortening (partially hydrogenated soybean oil) rolled oats, sugar, high fructose corn syrup...

Don’t get me started on how horrible “partially hydrgonented…anything” is for your body…

Yup – gonna have to pass on this one too ;)

Leave me a comment here on the blog – what so-called “health” foods have you stopped eating lately?

Boot Camp Workout of the Week: (5-7-09)

30/60/90 Super Circuit #1

30/60/90 DB Chest Press
60/90/30 Single Leg Hip Extensions
90/30/60 Scapular Front Pillar (Forearm OK)


30/60/90 Super Circuit #2

30/60/90 DB Bent Over Row
60/90/30 Front Loaded Plie Squat
90/30/60 Mountain Climbers/Squat Thrust
The numbers next to each exercise represents the number of seconds you are using peak intensity for each exercise in each of the 3 rounds.

This one had ME doubled over and abs crying out for mercy ;)

Boot Camp Workout of the Day 5-11-09

50-10 Legs, Lungs & More
Push Up – Elevator Pillar Variation
Single Leg Lunge and Press Variation
Side Pillar Reach & Rotate*
Squat + 2 Upright Row Variation
Core Chop – SA DB Swing Variation

OHH…and here is that sweet little approved dessert recipe my friend Mike Geary suggested.

Let me what you think!

Pre and Post Workout Nutrition - What Should I Eat?

The number one question I get is what should I eat before or after my workout?

Let me give you some ideas…here is my favorite on the go supplement for something good and something quick, based on effectiveness and quality of ingredients used:

With the perfect blend of nutrients and high grade whey protein, this is without a doubt the best choice – mix it up with your favorite skim milk (mine is the Kirkland Brand (Costco) Organic Skim Milk) and you have just the right blend of what your muscles are craving following an intense strength or cardio interval workout.

Here is the exact nutrition label from Prograde Workout:

Click below for more info on this hot little supplement:

Prograde Workout for Pre/Post Exercise Nutrition

Now onto some other suggestion for healthy snacking and on-the-go quick meal replacements:

Prograde Cravers

These are without a doubt the best tasting 100% organic chocolate snack bar on the market today. Take it from someone who LOVES chocolate (yes, I admit that would be me), these things beat the crap of a candy bar or most so-called “protein bars”, which are usually filled with an unbelievable array of total junk and void of any real nutrition.

Trust me, these little Cravers are a fantastic way to be a little flexible with your eating and satisfy your chocolate cravings too. Most people struggle with finding a balance of healthy food choices, but want a delicious little treat once a day. Cravers are IDEAL for this.

Dessert? Yes!

Snack? Yes!

Reward for a killer boot camp workout? Absolutely yes!

CAUTION: Although the Cravers are totally organic with fantastic nutritional properties, it is NOT ok to wolf down a box full at a time…yes, it is tempting, but it’s not a free pass to lose your mind ;).

SIDE NOTE: If you have kids, these are 100% better than the artificial, processed, chemical filled garbage most kids are eating or snacking on after school each day.
My baby boys (ages 2 & 1) LOVE when Daddy brings out these special “treats” for them ;).

And the exact nutrition facts on the 3 different flavors:

Don't go searchin' for any of these exclusive products at the local store - you can only get them online right here, clicking the link below:

Craver Info

One more thing, although I love to get my Craver fix satisfied, do not let these overshadow the need for real, whole nutrient dense food.

So use these supplements as supplements…in reasonable daily fashion, but not to the point that is ALL you are eating. You know?

Think of this rule of thumb – ONE Craver per day max and Prograde Workout drink ONE or TWO times a day to fill in your nutritional gaps.

Well, I hope this has helped…let me know if you have more questions – I am always here to battle body fat!

Your Body Fat Enemy #1,


Anatamy of a Core Ripping, Body Sculpting Exercise - Welcome to Your Personal Push Up Boot Camp!

The Almighty Push-up. I know, I know…Arguably, the most popular (and feared) exercise of all time.

For some, they may even loathe the thought of crankin' out just a few of these little body sculpting gems. Be that as it may, the push-up also tends to be the undying nemesis for people who carry around a lot of extra body weight and for most females who feel they do not have the "upper body" strength to ever be able to do anything but modified push-ups on the knees.

The goal of this special blueprint is to address everything you need to know about performing the push-up with proper form in addition to learning how to do more push-ups in a short amount of time.

Remember, people only hate what they are not good at it. So in other words, if you're a push-up "hater", this push-up blueprint plan will help you finally unveil your true push-up potential. And though you may never be madly in love with push-up, you'll have the strength and lean muscle to impress everyone around you with your new-found ability!

Push-Ups: One of the "Big Three"

Right next to squats and pull-ups, a push-up is one of the greatest total body exercises of all time.

We all know that push-ups work your chest, triceps, and front shoulders. However, they also place a great demand on your core strength, motor skills and stability. After all, your spinal stabilizers (AKA: transverse abdominis and spinal erectors) need to be able and maintain that critical straight-line position throughout the duration of your push-ups for optimal safety and performance. In addition, push ups engage your scapular muscles (shoulder blades) in a way that most pushing exercises do not, thus providing some much needed mid and upper back work that most workouts usually lack. In fact, once you are maintaining proper positioning, you'll pretty much engage every muscle along the front side of your body. You would even be wise to squeeze your booty muscles to support your lower back, thus giving the ol' gluteus maximus some extra work.

Here's the real benefit: you can perform a quickie push-up workout anytime, anywhere. No equipment needed!

Anatomy of an Award Winning Push-up

Though nearly everyone on the planet has tried a push-up at some time in his or her life, the vast majority of folks have never performed a "full range of motion" floor body weight push-up with perfect form and technique…whew, that was a mouthful!

If you are one of those people, don't worry. You might even have flashbacks to gym class nightmares of being yelled at to do more push ups (even if you were never TAUGHT how to do it right).

That was the old. This is the new and I can help.

Below is a complete list of coaching cues I use in performing a perfect push-up:

- Be Sure To: bring your elbows to your sides and pull your shoulders blades down and back: It’s critical to keep your elbows close to your ribcage while performing push-ups. Letting your elbows “sprawl” away from your torso puts your rotator cuff at a much greater risk for injury. In addition, since most of us are so upper trap dominant, we tend to shrug our shoulders during push-ups. Don't shrug. This scapular elevation can lead to clicking and grinding of the shoulder (known as shoulder impingement syndrome). To avoid these pitfalls, visualize trying to hug your elbows to your ribcage while cracking a nut between your shoulder blades during all push-ups.

- Be Sure To: suck in your gut and clench up your core: As mentioned earlier, the push-up is a great abs and core exercise that requires muscular endurance for your deep spinal stabilizers. By "pulling your navel to your spine" and bracing your abs as if you we about to be kicked in the gut, you will best activate those key core muscles while performing push-ups.

- Be Sure To: tense your thighs and squeeze your glutes: The straighter your legs during the push-up the more stable you will be. Don' t stick your rear in the air, keep it down in a straight plank position. So again, tense your thighs and butt muscles - this helps relax overactive hip flexors, thus alleviating (and preventing) unneeded strain on the lower back.

- Be Sure To: check your breathing: In general, seek to focus on inhaling during the lowering portion of the push-up and then forcefully exhaling during the lifting portion of the push-up. By filling your belly with air during the lowering portion of the push-up your make it easier to stabilize your spine, meaning that your core remains locked in thus allowing for a smooth and seamless transition from the down position to the up position.

- Be Sure To: spread your fingers: Many people complain of wrist pain while they do push-ups. Have no worries. This usually stems from a combination of a lack of mobility at the wrist joint and a lack of flexibility of the forearm flexors and extensors. Plus, many people simply have weak wrists from a lack of weight-bearing exercises in their daily routine. Think about it- we do not do as much as we used to do with our hands and are rarely in a position where our wrists our supporting our entire body weight (besides when doing push-ups).

One way to take pressure off of your wrists during push-ups is to focus on spreading your fingers as far apart as possible.

This expands the surface area and thus dissipates some of the excess strain on the wrists.

Furthermore, doing fist push-ups or push-ups with your hands on a dumbbell (or push-up handles) tends to significantly alleviate if not eliminate any unwanted wrist issues. This neutral grip allows you get all of the benefits of push-ups so that your wrists do not continue to be the biggest limiting factor for your push-up goals. In addition, the neutral grip also makes it easier to keep your helps tucked to your sides and shoulders down and back for optimal shoulder safety.

- Be Sure To: be flat as a diving board: Throughout the entire movement, the key is to maintain a straight line from the heels through the shoulders. You must not let your hips sag as this will put undue strain on your lower back in the form of hyperextension. Also, you should avoid raising or “piking” your hips and gluteus maximus, because this not only takes a way much needed core work, but also results in a rounding of the upper back that potentially results in unwanted shoulder issues (impingement, rotator cuff strains, etc.). Ouch!

The Official Push-Up Boot Camp Blueprint

Step #1 - Find your current "Push-up Total"

Assuming a regular floor push-up position, perform as many reps as possible (AMRAP) with perfect form and technique in 60 seconds. Be sure to place a small object like a tennis ball on the floor under your chest. Your goal is to simply make contact (not slam) with this object to count as a full "rep". Record your rep total and then take no longer than a 1 minute rest for recovery.

After exactly 1 minute of rest, repeat by performing one more set of AMRAP in 60 seconds and then record your second set total.

Add both your set one and set two totals and then divide by two.

This is your current push-up total.

Step #2
- Follow the custom push-up blueprint based on your current push-up total:

The following program will systematically take you from level I to level IV six weeks at a time (not including a week of rest between levels). It is important to note that you must be following the appropriate fat loss training (total body strength circuits and cardio interval training) and nutrition plan to lose unwanted body fat that is weighing you down and literally halting your push-up totals.

Also, be sure to change up the selected push-up variation at each and every strength workout to best prevent training plateaus. Here’s an example of how to switch things up for one week of training:

Day 1 - Close-Grip Push-up Variation (to emphasize the triceps and front shoulders to improve push-up lockout)

Day 2 - Loaded or Band-Resisted Push-up Variation (to improve strength and thus make it easier to perform body weight only push-ups)

Day 3 - Stability Ball Push-up Variation- Hands Ball (to build trunk and scapular strength stability to prevent injury and maximize force output)

Remember, the better you get at every push-up variation the better you will get at "regular" push-ups. Once you achieve a current push-up total of 30 reps or more, you will notice the focus now will be on getting stronger by mastering the next level of strength: elusive 1-arm push-up. Keep in mind, improving maximum strength automatically improves your muscular endurance, though it doesn’t work the same the other way around.

IMPORTANT: Please note that you should only follow this program if you have healthy shoulders.

In addition, since you will be performing extra pushing movements, it is critical to add in some scapular retraction and depression work to prevent unwanted strength imbalances. Please note the addition of a certain amount of reps of Body Weight Prisoner or Y Squats following each set of push-ups for your “Extra Push-up Work” to achieve this end. The Body Weight Prisoner or Y Squat was selected because it simultaneously works your upper back and opens up your chest while working your lower body to boost metabolism. Plus, it’s an exercise you can do anywhere. Lastly, the “Extra Push-up Work” is best performed throughout the day to be fresh and allow for full recovery.

Current Push-up You Can Perform Now: 0-1

Push-up Workout Protocol - Level 1:

Main Workout: Perform max reps or a max hold for time for a different push-up variation at each of 3 strength workouts per week with ideally a day of rest between workouts

Extra Push-up Support Work: Follow each set of push-ups with 10 reps of Body Weight Prisoner or Y Squats

Week 1 - 5 sets of 2 reps of 5-second negatives
Week 2 - 5 sets of 3 reps of 6-second negatives
Week 3 - 5 sets of 4 reps of 7-second negatives
Week 4 - 5 sets of 5 reps of 8-second negatives
Week 5 - 5 sets of 5 reps of 9-second negatives
Week 6 - 5 sets of 5 reps of 10-second negatives

Current Push-up You Can Perform Now: 2-5

Push-up Workout Protocol - Level II:

Main Strength Workout: Perform max reps or a max hold for time for a different push-up variation at each of 3 strength workouts per week with ideally a day of rest between workouts

Extra Push-up Work: Follow each set of push-ups with 20 reps of Body Weight Prisoner or Y Squats

Week 1 - 5 sets of 1 rep
Week 2 - 5 sets of 2 reps
Week 3 - 5 sets of 3 reps
Week 4 - 5 sets of 4 reps
Week 5 - 5 sets of 5 reps
Week 6 - 5 sets of 6 reps

Current Push-up You Can Perform Now: 6-12

Push-up Workout Protocol - Level III:

Main Strength Workout: Perform max reps or a max hold for time for a different push-up variation at each of 3 strength workouts per week with ideally a day of rest between workouts

Extra Push-up Work: Follow each set of push-ups with 40 reps of Body Weight Prisoner or Y Squats

Week 1 - 5 sets of 5 reps
Week 2 - 5 sets of 6 reps
Week 3 - 5 sets of 7 reps
Week 4 - 5 sets of 8 reps
Week 5 - 5 sets of 9 reps
Week 6 - 5 sets of 10 reps

Current Push-up You Can Perform Now: 13-20

Push-up Workout Protocol - Level IV

Main Strength Workout: Perform max reps or a max hold for time for a different push-up variation at each of 3 strength workouts per week with ideally a day of rest between workouts

Extra Push-up Work: Follow each set of push-ups with 50 reps of Body Weight Prisoner or Y Squats

Week 1 - 5 sets of 10 reps
Week 2 - 5 sets of 12 reps
Week 3 - 5 sets of 14 reps
Week 4 - 5 sets of 16 reps
Week 5 - 5 sets of 18 reps
Week 6 - 5 sets of 20 reps

Current Push-up You Can Perform Now: 21-30

Push-up Workout Protocol - Level V:

Main Strength Workout: Perform max reps or a max hold for time for a different push-up variation at each of 3 strength workouts per week with ideally a day of rest between workouts

Extra Push-up Work: Follow each set of push-ups with 60 reps of Body Weight Prisoner or Y Squats

Week 1 - 5 sets of 20 reps
Week 2 - 5 sets of 22 reps
Week 3 - 5 sets of 24 reps
Week 4 - 5 sets of 26 reps
Week 5 - 5 sets of 28 reps
Week 6 - 5 sets of 30 reps

Current Push-up You Can Perform Now: 31+

Push-up Workout Protocol - Level V:

Main Strength Workout: Perform max reps or a max hold for time for a different push-up variation at each of 3 strength workouts per week with ideally a day of rest between workouts

Extra Push-up Work: Perform 5 sets per day of a 1-arm push-ups variation with the following weekly progressions Monday through Friday (weekends off). Progress from stage 1 to stage 3 in choosing the appropriate 1-arm push-up variation:

Week 1 - 5 sets of 1 rep
Week 2 - 5 sets of 2 reps
Week 3 - 5 sets of 3 reps
Week 4 - 5 sets of 4 reps
Week 5 - 5 sets of 5 reps
Week 6 - 5 sets of 6 reps

Advanced Stage 1 - Modified 1-Arm Push-ups on Knees/Inclined

Advanced Stage 2 - Regular 1-Arm Push-ups 5-secondNegatives

Advanced Stage 3 - Regular 1-Arm Push-ups

Extra Push-up Work II: Follow each set of push-ups with 60 reps of Body Weight Prisoner or Y Squats

Step#3- Re-Test Your Current Push-up Total

At the end of each 6-week training block, take 5 full days of rest before re-testing your new push-up total exactly as previously outlined in step one. Record your new push-up total and then take the rest of the week off for recovery before moving on to the next level of push-up boot camp.

Well, you now know everything you need to know to safely and effectively perform more push-ups than most ever will. Remember, the leaner you are the better you will be at push-ups and the more push-ups you can do, the better you will look and feel.

Seek and destroy body fat,

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