I love to help busy moms reclaim and reshape their bodies!

TIME TO EXERCISE? Are you kidding me?

Most moms I know are without a doubt the most selfless women in the universe. Taking care of their hubby, kids and everything else. Honestly, sometimes I wish they would just be a little more selfish sometimes and make their personal physical and mental well-being a bit more of a priority.

Many good mothers miss the boat when it comes to their staying in tip top shape. In general, they tend to think that it’s okay to put all of their personal ambitions aside for the good of their friends and family. For most, they miss simple cues to integrate healthier elements into their lives.

To begin, a mom who doesn’t workout and doesn’t eat the right foods at the right times will not be running on all cylinders…and that is going to mean big problems keeping up their hectic duties and reshaping their body at the same time.

Multi-Tasking These Days?

I think I have narrowed down the 5 critical anchor points that tend to hold a lot of moms back from getting the stronger, more toned body they so desperately are seeking.

So here they are (in random order):

Anchor #1- Skipping Meals, Especially Breakfast

Many moms are simply on a non-stop ride from daylight to sundown…and then some. Coping with the being the best parent possible and maybe even holding down a career outside the home. The first part of the day is especially hard, since so many duties call…getting the kids off and seeing the husband out the door, just to name a few. Trying to actually enjoy a nutritious breakfast for themselves is rarely in the cards.

Set that alarm 6 minutes earlier and make it a point NEVER to miss breakfast!

It starts with missing breakfast…then the inevitable: a host of other missed meals and unhealthy snacks throughout the day. This is the vicious circle that repeats and deprives your physique of lean, toned body mass while simultaneously priming your body to overeat junk food later in the day and store ugly, unwanted fat. Furthermore, this starvation protocol creates havoc with blood sugar levels, zapping energy and leaves you feeling sluggish, irritable and lethargic the entire day.

The good news? There is always time for breakfast…if you look for the most convenient, healthier on-the-go choices. Better yet, you could take a few extra minutes to plan ahead the night before to enjoy a breakfast high in lean protein and fiber.

One solution that’s worked really well for our boot camp clients is called Prograde Lean. It’s a tasty meal replacement shake that contains a whopping 35 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber. What’s the best part about it? It leaves NO room for excuses! All you need to do is put a scoop or 2 into water, mix, and enjoy.

Or what about those so-called “healthy breakfast bars” you see all over the grocery store now days?

That could be fine, but just realize that most of these "health" bars are filled with high levels of processed sugar and junk you don’t need. Look at the ingredient list and see for your self.

However, ONE bar I tend to like is the "Larabar".
You can find these at most local stores...and when you do, look at the ingredient list: it literally consists of just 1 to 3 things. Easy, simple, clean. I approve ;).

And if you want, you can learn more about Prograde Lean HERE.

Anchor #2- Not Keeping Your Workouts Regular

This one is simple, yet oh so powerful. Think about it…moms never miss an appointment for their kids. Why? Well yes, it’s because they love them, but more importantly, it’s because they love their kids enough to religiously schedule their appointments for the best post possible care.

Set your workout schedule and treat them like they are your kid’s dentist appointment!

If you are a busy mom who is serious about staying fit and lean, then you absolutely need to take the same approach with your workouts.

In addition, you need to be sure that you schedule in your daily workouts when you are most likely to do them rather than when you prefer to do them. For example, sometimes I prefer to workout in the afternoon, but with my very busy work schedule, it’s best for me to get my workout done first thing in the morning. This way the stresses of work never get in the way of my fitness.

In my experience, most Moms work best when doing their workouts either first thing in the morning while the kids are still sleeping, or right after they drop their kids off from school. It seems that too many unexpected things pop up during the day that prevents a regular workout. But, regardless of when the best time for you may be, just schedule it in and stick to it like it’s a family commitment!

Anchor #3- Too Much Mindless Snacking All Day

So many time, I talk with busy parents, especially moms, who consider their diet to be “not that bad”. Of course, they typically experience limited nutrition success…and the culprit is usually too many extra treats, snacks and empty calories during the course of the day. It wasn’t that they were being dishonest about it - rather most people don’t really keep track of or even comprehend how much they actually put in their bellies every day.

Think about it for a moment…most of us are guilty to some degree…just mindlessly eat something during the day. All of us do it and trust me, it can add up and fast!

Too many of us spend too much time in the kitchen surrounded by “tasty” food all day, snacking a lot more than they realize!

Yes, we’re all human...sometimes you have to sample something you just KNOW is not the best food choice. That’s OK, but you need to understand that regular “taste testing” can sabotage your fat loss goals.

Plus, a lot busy moms get into trouble with the frequent snacking practices of their children, which unfortunately usually ill-advised choices at best. Processed crackers, cookies, chips…it’s tough to pass on food when it’s always in your face. One chip turns to just one more, then just one more – then you look down and realize you’ve snarfed down the entire bag!

My advice is to guard your mouth and the fat-burning furnace it leads to with lock and key. Ask yourself every time you bring something close to your lips the following question:

“Will this help me burn fat and build muscle?”

If “NO” - put it down and go read a book ;)

Anchor #4 - Too Much Cardio or “Stroller Jogging”

Now, don’t get me wrong, I love to see moms being active. It’s great to get outside and move with your kids. In fact, it’s absolutely mandatory! However, we need to be honest about the fact that it’s not really feasible to exercise with any measurable amount of real intensity while pushing a stroller.

Instead, it turns into a lot of slow to moderate, even “steady-state” or single speed movement.

If you are using this as the primary source for your fat-loss workout, you are missing out big time!

Interval training, NOT steady-state one speed movement, burns 9 times more body fat than that slow jog you are on. Aerobic training can burn a few calories but it simply doesn’t crank up your metabolism like interval training does. And the true power of interval training comes from the intensity of each work period.

Seriously, just how much real intensity can your stroller cardio workouts have when you are pushing your baby?

You and I both realize you wouldn’t do anything to put your baby in harm’s way…so it’s probably not in your best interest to crank out some high intensity sprints while pushing a stroller.

I know that I certainly wouldn’t trust my clumsy feet doing interval sprinting bursts with a baby’s safety literally in my hands.

So, get out and push a stroller, maybe even jog a little…enjoy the outdoors with your family. However, don’t make the mistake and think that you are getting anywhere close to the same kind of benefit that you could be getting with open space, hands free(and baby-free)high-intensity intervals.

Anchor #5- Too Many Glasses Of Wine In The Evening

Nobody wants to hear that a glass or two of wine every night is going to stop your fitness goals in its tracks. But the reality of the matter is that alcohol has a 2-prong effect – paralyzing the fat-burning process while simultaneously creating excess fat within the body. And a bonus for you…alcohol tends to lower inhibitions leading to the consumption of other snack food…which usually equates to junk food. Not so good.

A couple glasses of wine per day can buy you a one-way ticket to muffin-top city… sorry!

So I say “zip it” to all of those yo-yos who claim: “consuming several glasses of wine a day is healthy because it has anti-oxidants and that keeps you from getting sick.” This is just a bunch of babble from drunk doctors who are trying to convince themselves that it’s okay to drink regularly and be healthy - but it’s not!

Fruit and veggies have more anti-oxidants and tons of other health benefits, so we just need to cut the crap that wine is an important part of a healthy diet.

Now, I do want to be sensitive to those busy, hard-working moms who have a glass of wine at the end of the day to unwind and take some of the load off of their shoulders because I get that. I am busy dad of 2 babies, so trust me – I feel your pain ;).

But I also know there are other healthier ways to de-stress that don’t have such a negative effect on your body composition. Activities like stretching, foam rolling, taking a bath, reading a book or even trying to snooze a little more are going to prove much more beneficial in creating your new and improved lean body.

So please remember- if you booze it, you will NOT lose it!

Oh, and one more thing…dads like myself know that all you moms are the ones that truly make this world go round…so THANKS for all you do!

Have a great day transforming your body,


PS: Have you seen the changes we've made to