PREVIEW ANNOUNCEMENT: Our 1st Annual Summer Meltdown 6-Week Transformation Contest is coming…June 22-July 30! We’re going to be cranking up the intensity in our boot camp and really get our nutrition in check, along with bonus contest camp workouts for the truly dedicated contestants.

AND there will be a Grand Prize worth more than $1200…More details will be forthcoming.


Here are 4 Reasons Why Crunches Still SUCK for Fat Loss:

1) Crunches still suck for fat loss because they are not an intense exercise.

Unfortunately, crunches just don't get the heart
rate up high enough to benefit from the short,
peak-intensity style of exercise that is essential for
achieving maximum fat loss results in minimal time.
Aren’t those the results we’re really after?

2) Crunches still suck because they place too much strain on your lower back.

You sit at your desk all day…now your spine is
compressed and places a great deal of strain on
your lower back. This gets worse,
if especially if you slouch down in your chair.

When you are performing crunches your spine is compressed EVEN MORE
with every crunch that you take.

And this is good for why, exactly?

Seriously...not a good idea and definitely not what your back needs right now.
The reality is that your abs are NOT designed to “crunch”, they are designed to “stabilize” your upper and lower body. Train them as such!

3) Crunches still suck because they bore the heck outta me.

Gone are the endless crunch workouts. Dead, outta here, over, kaput.
Say goodbye to those stupid ab infomercials.
Now, there are so many outstanding exercises that will build more muscle that will burn the muffin tops right off. Planks, push ups, squats and the like (with all their glorious variations) are the ones you would be sticking with to see those sexy abs start to pop.

4) Crunches suck because they only target one small area of your body.

That’s it. Coupled with the fact that body fat spot reduction is a MYTH, what you should be focusing on for melting belly blubber is to train with exercises that stabilize the abdominals through total body movements.

Try plank variations or front loaded dumbbell squats…now THAT’S an ab workout for ya ;)

Now, listen – I’m gonna come clean here…I was once one of those misled gym rats who would spend the typical 10-15 minutes doing my crunches and variations there of after each workout. Fortunately, I was able to learn better more effective protocols for getting the results I really wanted. How about you?

Monday was one of our classic fat loss workouts features the 40 s on-20 s off supersets…here’s one for the record books:

Monday: 40-20 “When Good Workouts Go Bad”

Band Row
Band Forward Lunge w/ SA Press*
Suicide Planks
Band Reverse Lunge w/ SA Curl
DB Step Up
Renegade Rows
Push Up w/ Knee Up
Ground Sky Squats
DB Swings

Monday’s Top Performer was Brenda Gillespie: her core and stability strength has skyrocketed and her form is spot on! Outstanding job!

Thursday: 30-30 When Intervals Go Bad” Episode #51409
Station 1 of 4:
Ex1: Top Loaded Cross Under Lunge - LEFT
Ex2: T-Stab
Ex1: Top Loaded Cross Under Lunge - RIGHT
Ex2: T-Stab Shoulder Touches
ACTIVE REST – Repeat for a total of 5 Minutes
Station 2 of 4:
Ex1: Low Step Up with Front Shoulder Raise
Ex2: DB Good Morning
Ex1: Low Step Up with Front Shoulder Raise (Single DB/or Double DB)
Ex2: DB Straight Leg Deadlift
ACTIVE REST – Repeat for a total of 5 Minutes
Station 3 of 4:
Ex1: Neg Push (ISOHold)
Ex2: Single Leg Hip Ext*
Ex3: Goblet Squat
Ex4: Lateral Windmill Touches
ACTIVE REST – Repeat for a total of 5 Minutes
Station 4 of 4 (CURB):
Ex1: ULBE Left
Ex2: DB Row Left
Ex1: ULBE Right
Ex2: DB Row Right
ACTIVE REST – Repeat for a total of 5 Minutes

4 Minute Screamer to Finish the Day
(8 sec bursts for 12 total rounds)

Speed Squats
Band Sprints

(Watch as Allan chooses to do full 8 second sprints…he’s that little black streak racing by at about the :32 mark - GO ALLAN!!)

PS: By the way…I heard some other boot camps around town call themselves “the toughest workout in the valley”. Oh really?

I think there are a few campers in our group that would beg to differ. ;)

Don’t take my word for it…come see for yourself!

Our next 2 week free trial begins June 22, reserve your spot today because space is limited. ANNNNND…don't forget June 22 will also mark the launch of our 6 Week Summer Meltdown Transformation Contest, where 1 lucky winner will win over $1200 in prizes! (Details coming soon…)

Curtis Hoekstra, CFT
Redesigned Website: Arizona Fitness Boot Camp
Direct Line: 480-981-6877