I'm not a big fan of gimmicks…gimmicky diet pills, infomercial “ab belts” and the like.

The real results start when you get serious and lose the “miracle fixes”.

However, some of our camp members were featured on FOX 10 using a little workout gimmick, sort of…we changed things up a little and came up with this. Here’s the video clip from FOX:

Freaky Fat Loss Pumpkin Workout

So what’s the point?

First, effective exercise can be done most anywhere, using most anything (obviously, a pumpkin is being used like a medicine ball here. However, you can still grab a quick 4 minute workout using bodyweight only).

Second, I’m not talking about little walks around the neighborhood (although not bad, just not as effective for accelerated fat loss and strength gain). I am talking about full body movements to burn a lot of calories in a short period of time.

Look, I get it. You’re busy. I’m busy. Everyone is busy, but the bottom line is that excuses are becoming harder and harder to come by. Don't spend your energy trying to find an excuse, instead direct your energy to getting in a quick and intense workout in the pockets of your busy day.

Make the decision. Stop the excuses.

Remember, greater fitness and fat loss are possible with quick, intense calorie burners throughout your day.

Get moving and have a great day!