Excuse: "I can’t afford to buy healthy food. The drive-thru is cheaper."

Imagine the cost of taking diabetes meds, cholesterol or high blood pressure meds for the rest of your life. Now THAT’S expensive compared to the extra $ you’ll spend on fresh fruits and veggies each week. Get off your tail and commit to providing better choices for yourself and your family.

Excuse: "The chips and ice cream are calling my name.”

I can be tempted just as much as the next – so I don’t even bring the junk into the house at all. Simple solution…stock up on better choices and you pick from there. Plenty of fruits, yogurts, nuts…the less processed the better.

Excuse: "I've hit a plateau; I give up."

Get selfish! Get angry! There is to much damn hand-holding, excuse-making nonsense these days. Decide that YOU are in control and NO ONE else. Push yourself to do things you never thought possible. That’s one of our top boot camp training mottos “Your comfort zone ends here.” Believe it.

Excuse: "I have zero time to exercise!"

Bullsh*t. The last thing you should sacrifice in your life is the ability to stay healthy and fit…staying lean and healthy means a longer life, a better quality of life you’ll enjoy your life a lot more with your loved ones around you. Get your butt out of bed a few minutes early each day and commit to a quick 5-10 minute workout, if that what it takes. Check out our youtube channel for lots of quick workout ideas.

Excuse: "I start fresh on Monday with the best intentions to get fit, and then I get busy, get side tracked and fall off the wagon again.”

Set a daily, weekly or bi-weekly target goal. Be accountable to someone. If you do become accountable to someone or even a group, you’ll have MUCH higher rate of success than going at it all alone. And if you don’t make this a priority on some higher level, there will always be something ‘more important’. Reward yourself for your hard work each week, whether it be a favorite food or maybe getting buying new workout shoes.

Excuse: "I get so bored counting all those weight reps or running."

I agree. I don’t go for ‘runs’. If you like to do that sort of thing, God bless ya – go for it…but I’m here to tell ya, there is a faster way to achieve your goals and avoid boredom…it lies in the magic of high-intensity total body interval training. This is scientifically proven to burn fat and get results 9x faster than ordinary exercise. That is another reason our boot camp training is so damn effective, we are 100% based on this type of training.

Excuse: "But I need to rest.”

Cool. Listen to your body. If you need an extra day off, take it. Just get right back in the fight as soon as you can.