The following blog post is an old one, already published by Curtis in 2009 but I was reading it and it's hilarious so I figured I' reblog it in case you missed it!

Summer (aka ‘swim suit & bikini season’) is approaching fast. Are you ready?

One of the best ways to get your mid-section looking strong and sexy is by doing high intensity workouts using full body exercises. One of our favorite camp traditions is to include a “finisher” to our already smokin’ workout…something to really ramp up fat loss to start showin’ off the abs.

Oh, and here’s a our camp workouts, you will NEVER...EVER do a traditional sit-up. Pretty cool, huh? ;)

Check out 3 of the best “ab” exercises that aren’t typically known as “ab” exercises at all…see what I mean here:

Alrighty...let's expose 2 of the biggest "ab exercise" myths on the planet:

Myth #1: Doing ab exercises will make you get six pack abs.


Fact: This is a complete misnomer and one that’s been around forever, and yet...walk into any commercial gym, and what do you see? Misguided folks plugging away at the crunch machine in hopes of revealing the magic 6 in the mid-section.

Let's cut to the point. The most important thing to do, is to GET RID of the fat surrounding your belly. That will reveal the Holy Grail of Abs.

Bottom line: No amount of crunches or sit ups are going to get you to burn fat around the belly. And since there is no such thing as spot reduction, the best way to get rid of belly fat is by doing high intensity exercises that helps boost your metabolism and burn fat throughout the day. Got it? Good. Now check out #2.

Myth #2: Side bends/oblique twists will thin and trim your waist.


Fact: If you are stuck on the crunch or ab/oblique twisty machine thing at the gym...stop it - for fat loss and revealing your slim and trim abs, this is a waste of time.

You want to spend a little extra time training your abs for strength and endurance, go right ahead.

But focusing on this for fat loss? Forgettaboutit.

Bottom Line: The only way to a lean out and thin your waist is by scorching the fat around your belly.


For more tips on getting lean and eating clean for bikini season, make sure to join our Rock Star Boot Camp Fit & Healthy group on Facebook!