This year seems to have just flown by…can you believe 2009 is upon us?

The good news is that gas prices seem to have dipped a bit (it’s nice to fill up the ol’ mini-van for about $26 instead of $50 or $60!).

The bad news is that America’s waistline hasn’t dipped…in fact, it has done nothing but expand in the past year, bringing health challenges and obesity to all new records.

Unfortunately, the more troubling news is that the youth of our great nation are facing even greater health risks and weight struggles than any other generation we have seen.

However, on a positive note…2009 CAN be the year of change.

It can be the year to get your fitness and health back on track. It can be the year that our youth become more fit, more active and less deadlocked in front of the video games.

Here are 3 of my predictions for fitness trends that will thrive and what will dive in 2009:

Fitness Trend #1: Fitness Boot Camps Will Thrive, One-on-One Training Will Dive

It is no huge secret, this country is struggling through a huge recession. The average American simply does not have the disposable income to spend on personal training that typically runs about $60 or more per hour.

However, the need to stay fit has never been greater. What is one to do?

Boot camp, baby!

Boot camps are one of the hottest training formats in the fitness world right now and for very good reason. They produce rapid results and their prices are a fraction of typical personal training rates. A high quality boot camp will offer terrific personal attention, unstoppable motivation in a fun, group setting…and allow you to get in fantastic shape without breaking your wallet.

If you are trying to lose weight, gain strength and increase endurance under the trained eye of your own fitness instructor in 2009, look no further than boot camp training.

Do your waistline (and your bank account) a huge favor, jump into a reputable, results-producing boot camp.

Fitness Trend #2: Interval Training Will Destroy Aerobic Training For Greater Fat Loss and Fitness Every Single Time

High-intensity interval training is rapidly gaining notoriety as the most effective and time-efficient manner to improve your health, build muscle and burn fat.

More sprints, less time consuming easy jogs on the treadmill.

However, do not misunderstand…there will still be a ton of people swinging away on the elliptical machine for hours on end at the local gym…reading magazines, watching TV while they THINK they are using their time wisely. Trust me, they are not.

Aerobic training is basically going along at a slow to medium pace for an extended period of time (30, 60 or even 90 minutes). Think of this, they are trying to spend as much time (quantity) as they can because they think they are in the “fat-burning” zone. I don’t know about you, but after 30 to 60 minutes, I get so bored and my knees start to ache. Sound familiar? Thought so…not exactly “fun”, is it?

Interval training is the focusing on the intensity and quality of exercise, not quantity, per se. Interval exercises consist of alternating between short bouts of all out intensity and effort, followed by short periods of rest. Usually, interval workout like this would last only a time-saving 10-20 minutes, but at the same time, you would be using the proven approach that burns 9 times more fat than steady-state exercise ever could.

Two fundamental scientific studies can be used to illustrate:

The Tabata report compared the effects of just four minutes of high-intensity interval training with 45-60 minutes of low to moderate cardio. Think sprinting short distances versus jogging for miles on end. The findings from the report taught us that interval training burned just as much fat as the low to moderate cardio sessions in just four minutes of work!

The Gibala study compared the effects of 20 minute intervals (30 seconds of maximum effort sprints followed by 4 minutes of rest and recovery) with 90-120 minutes of endurance training (AKA “fat burning” zone or the “endurance heartrate zone” as some gym cardio machines display). The results were that each training group experienced the same physical benefits. In other words, folks that exercise for just 1/6 of the time experienced the same results as those who slugged it out for almost 2 full hours!

Fitness Trend #3: Lean Protein and Fiber Will Be The Carbohydrate Addict’s Answer for Improved Fitness, Health, Weight Loss and Muscle Gain

Let’s face it…most American’s love their carbs. Starches, sugars abound…with bulging waistlines as proof. The biggest misconception with this is that if you eliminated all the afore mentioned “carbs”, you are now on a “low carb” diet.

Not true.

There are plenty of good “carbs” you should be including to keep your body burning fat all day long and keep your blood sugar levels on even keel. With the exception of corn, peas, carrots, beets and potatoes (which should be kept in check), you are here by given permission to wolf down as many unprocessed veggies items as you wish! How’s that for “low carb”?

The overwhelming scientific literature that proves the fat burning benefits of a lean protein and fiber rich foods is finally catching on. Make no mistake, quality protein sources are key, as it builds and repairs muscle tissue. It allows your body to preferentially burn fat, increase metabolism through the thermic effect of feeding while leaving you feeling “full”. Fiber (best obtained from most unprocessed vegetables and fruits) helps you digest your food and provide a more steady flow of valuable nutrients and sustained energy. It will also provide you a feeling of being full so you don’t overeat.

So without a doubt, wise folks will consume more lean protein with their fruits and veggies, while their bodies get leaner and sexier every day, all year long!

There you have it…my top fitness trends for 2009. I hope you can use this information and push yourself and your loved ones to a whole new level of improved health, vitality and strength for the coming New Year.