I remember a time when I was a "gym rat"…no doubt about it.

The routine was pretty obvious…spend time loading up my backpack, drive 20 minutes, go to the locker room, change clothes, walk around, check things out, get on the treadmill and "warm up", spend about 90 minutes running around from machine to machine then jumping back on the treadmill for my "cardio" then drive the 20 minutes back home.

All in all…a nice little 2.5 hour chunk out of my day. But, hey, I was single, no kids…had a whole lot of time on my hands. My...how time has changed!

I thought going to the gym was the only way to get a good workout. When I met my wife 5 years ago, she tried to convince me to think outside the gym, but I couldn't imagine feeling good about a workout, if I didn't get it at the gym.

Today I find myself more motivated than ever, approaching the very best shape of my life, from both a business and fitness standpoint. And, here's the kicker…I haven’t worked out in a regular indoor setting for about 18 months.

In fact, I workout exclusively at the park, following the EXACT workout blueprint my boot campers follow. My equipment? Bodyweight, dumbbells, jump ropes and maybe an occasional resistance band. That's it. Stuff that is budget friendly, easy to transport and always ready to go for a quick interval workout.

It’s pretty silly when I sit back and remember my "gym days". The old saying is true - I wish I knew then what I know now! My physical health and well being have dramatically improved, and I couldn't be happier.

Two things are most noticeable since I stopped the "gym only" workouts:

1. I save an ENORMOUS amount of time…something none of us can ever get back.

2. My workouts are fast, effective and distraction-free. No watching TV while I pound my knees into oblivion on the treadmill or trying to read a magazine will spinning on the elliptical. What a complete waste of time! See #1.

Now, I don’t mean to hurt your feelings if you are like my former "gym rat" self - that's cool - keep doing whatever floats your boat.. Hey, I was there - I know how it is.

So putting pen to paper, here are my top 9 reasons NOT to go to the gym:

1.) The Sheep Mentality

It’s really sort of sad and frustrating, if you will. Everybody is doing the same thing and just copying what the next person is doing Because, hey, if someone else is doing it, it must be right. Most have flawed form, incorrect workout structure and are even performing dangerous things that many folks have no business trying…ever. Seen someone load up 300+ pounds on a "leg press" machine?

How do I know? I used to be guilty of it. How dumb.

Mostly, people are just going off of what they read in hyped up fitness magazines and late night infomercials. Albeit good intentions, not a good plan to walk into a gym and do what everyone else is doing.

You've seen the "queens of cardio" spinning hours away on the bike, treadmill or elliptical. Watching Oprah. Reading books. It's almost like clockwork…the same girls doing the same thing on the same machine, day in and day out - getting nowhere- real fast.

So how about this? Jump in for some resistance training and cut those cardio sessions down to 20 minutes of intense interval training to burn that stubborn hip, thigh, and belly fat that is keeping your dress size up and sexiness down. Yes, you must put down the cute little pink dumbbells and use a weight that truly challenges you.

There are also those bulked up gym dudes who spend 2 hours working their "vanity muscles"…ie. chest, abs and biceps. They take 5 minute breaks between sets, while trying to bench press the weight of a small car. Here's the problem: these are the same oversized lunkheads who couldn't perform 50 seconds of continuous, perfect form full-range body weight push ups to save their life.

2.) Wasted Time Waiting for Equipment

Back in the day, I used to get so mad if someone was using "my machine". Dang it, my whole workout would suffer because some dude would try to "work in". If you workout at a gym, you know exactly what I mean. Sometimes you'd have to wait, stall, share the machine or equipment, then wait some more…what a waste of time! In addition, you're in "cool down" mode while you wait then have to activate cold muscles when you finally get your turn. Not fun. But the worst part is yet to come…since most folks who work out want to rapidly burn fat, this up and down routine is totally counterproductive to proper exercise protocol in an effort to lose the belly flab.

3.) Sickness, Disease, Germs…Oh My

Seriously, think of all the hands and body parts that touch all the things your hands and body parts come in contact with at a gym…uggh!

Beyond catching the common cold, there are some other real serious things that have been spreading at gyms like wildfire like the recent merca staph infection epidemic. Gyms can be just filthy!

4.) Annoying People

For most people going to the gym isn’t about getting results, it’s about socializing. Guys trying to impress the girls…a lot of times, it's just a meat market with no real purpose.

But it only gets more annoying…when you are performing a unique and intense workout, it's inevitable that someone is going to try to ask you about it or want advice. Sorry, I'm there on a serious mission, not explain the details of what I'm doing. That's exclusively reserved for my boot camp clients.

5.) Expensive (and Unused) Memberships

$40, $75, $100+ a month to simply rent access to a bunch of machines? No expert personal training included. No effective workout design or guidance. No nutritional support or meal plans. Are you serious?! Plus take a look at the long term contracts, "initiation fees", etc. What a sham!
In addition, did you know that roughly 87% of gym memberships go unused on a regular basis?

6.) Useless Equipment

Simply stated, machines don’t allow your body to train that way it was designed to move and function and can cause nagging pain or injury.

If you want to be lean, tight, and muscular, all you need is your body weight, a set of dumbbells, maybe a resistance band or possibly a few other free weight options like kettlebells to get the job done.

The only reason you should ever sit on machine is if you are pregnant or your doctor has specifically instructed you to do so. Period.

7.) Lack of Open Training Space

This one’s pretty simple. Idiot gym owners focus on keeping up the fads and trends, filling the whole place up with a bunch of overpriced, bulky contraptions. None of which the average person has any business using if they want real results fast. See #6. The last time I did walking lunges in a club, I ended up having to pause and dodge 4 people…that is frustrating, to say the least.

8.) Crippling Dependence

I mentioned this earlier - gyms end up forcing you to create a dependence on them. Again, I was a one of them, I was your typical "gym rat". If you are used to using treadmills or machines, you feel lost when you're not "in the gym" or traveling with access to the same equipment. In most cases, people figure “I’ll just take some time off until I get back home since I don’t have any access to a gym around here.” Hogwash.

9.) Bad Trainers

For those that didn't know, I was a 1-on-1 gym trainer for many years. I've worked along side many of trainers who were simply part-time kids working their way through college with no real interest in getting you fast results and keeping you safe in the process.

When you hire a typical 1-on-1 personal trainer at the local gym, they have but one goal in mind. They are trying to get you in and out. They don’t care if your reach your goals nor do they have any vested interest in your success, as long as they hit their sales quota.

So there you have it...did I miss anything? Be sure to leave me a few comments about things you HATE about going to a crowded meat market...errr, I mean gym.

- All the best,

Arizona Fitness Boot Camp