WARNING: This post is for grown ups who are not offended by frank language. If you can’t handle a bleeped out 4 letter word do not read this post. If you think you have what it takes, keep reading.

I’m sure you have heard the term “paradox”. The dictionary defines paradox as “a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth.”

They are basically clever sayings that screw with your head.

One pretty famous paradox is called the Unstoppable Force Paradox. It caught my attention the other day and started my gears turning. It goes like this:

What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object?

So being the clever boy I am I have solved the paradox: When an Unstoppable Force meets an Immovable Object we soon find out that one of them is an F’ing fraud.

But which one?

The only true unstoppable force, Chuck Norris.

Let me explain how I see things. It is actually quite simple. In life YOU must be the unstoppable force, and while things might seem immovable, they are not. They are the aforementioned f’ing liars.

But you must believe it for it to be true. You must believe that NOTHING is immovable.

The only true immovable object, Homer Simpson.

I hear it all the time "My schedule is so busy, I don't have time to workout". Really? You mean don't can't get your a** out of bed just 5 minutes earlier and do
a quick intense 5 minutes of bodyweight squats and jumping jacks (or some variation
of that will jack your heart rate and boost your metabolism the rest of the day)?

Reality check folks: this is a mindset, plain and simple. Are you going to be controlled or are you going to be doing the controlling?

You do not move your workout around to fit your schedule, you move your schedule around to fit your workout. That is when success happens.

Part of the issue is the semantics. Too many people think of it as *just* a workout. Well it ain’t just a workout – it is your health, it is literally your life. And that is why it is so important.

So get your S^*t together already, and get your priorities straight. Seriously.

Not having enough time to work out is a bulls^*t excuse, and it is not valid. Yes you do. Get your a** out of bed just 5 minutes earlier and do
a quick, intense 5 minutes of bodyweight squats and jumping jacks (or some variation
of that will jack your heart rate and boost your metabolism the rest of the day).

"I don't know how to eat right". Equally bulls**t. There are resources out there that have the information you need. You can always email me or worst case scenario you can Google. And if all else fails - eat crap loads of veggies and fruit. No one ever got fat from eating too much spinach.

Let me steer this to the positive and make it as simple as possible: You must become the Unstoppable Force and turn everything else into the (not so) Immovable Object. Let nothing stand in your way. You must be ruthless in your pursuit of your goals no matter what they may be.

You owe it to yourself. Your life literally hangs in the balance.