It's the first Monday of 2011. Get your a$$ up and let's do this.

Right here right now.

No more I start tomorrow, no more excuses, no more procrastination.

If you are tired of me preaching health and fitness then OPT OUT don't come back to my site. As a matter of fact, get some donuts and coffee while you're at it and start the new year with some sugar and heart-clogging fats.

Sorry for being so blunt, but as long as I am here I will preach health and fitness on a DAILY basis.

So for those of you who want to live a healthier, happier life stay tuned because I am committed more than ever to bring you the latest information to keep you on track, WITHOUT marketing hype and boring, outdated workouts.

I am going to help you make 2011 your "turning point" :)