Hello everyone,

How would you like to be stronger than you ever imagined?

Not "strong", like big, bulky "Incredible Hulk" muscle strong...but strong, lean and fit muscles.

The kind of "strong" that means you can carry your luggage,

pick up a big bag of groceries, accend a huge flight of stairs,

or chase your kids around and pick them up high into the air...

all without feeling-like-you're-going-to-pass-out-sort-of "strong".

Real strength. Real world use. Real people like you and me.

Getting stronger and healthier everyday.

That's part of what we accomplish with our fitness boot camp training.

That's exactly what one of our campers, Kim Popkey accomplished this morning.

3 weeks ago (Thursday June 5, 2008) I tested her ability to do pushups.

She could do 12 "traditional" position pushups. That's pretty good.

3 weeks later, today (June 26, 2008) I re-tested her pushup ability.

In just a few short weeks of our fitness camp training, she improved to a total of


That's not a typo.

She did 15 "traditional" pushups (increase of 3), followed immediately by 15 "knee" pushups.

Impressive, to say the very least!

The rest of the campers will re-test next week.

I am so proud of this whole group of dedicated individuals.

Way to go, Kim!

Now, don't start with the "oh, I could never do that...I'm not that strong...that's too hard"

stuff...believe me, if you want to do improve your strength / improve your endurance and

create more muscle tone and definitiion...I will help you do it. Guaranteed.

See you all soon!

Your Fitness Coach,

Curtis Hoekstra, Certified Fitness Instructor and Proud Daddy


Web: http://www.arizonafitnessbootcamp.com/

Email: Curtis@ArizonaFitnessBootCamp.com

PS: Ready for a healthy snack? Try these 100% Organic Dark Chocolate "Cravers".