As important as proper interval-based training is to fat loss, you can’t ignore the power of proper nutrition. Here are 3 quick tips to get you started…

1 ~ Chow down! (Eating, good…Skipping meals, bad)

You need to eat to keep your metabolism peaking at its highest point. Don’t skip breakfast. Include healthy snacks. Prepare a plan for your other meals. Eating every 4 hours or so will keep you feeling full, will help avoid binging and boost your energy levels.

If your body suffers from not having proper nutrients or your calorie count falls way under an average of 1200 calories (and yes, I’ve seen ridiculous “diets” out there on right now that recommend eating just 500 calories a DAY), you are sabotaging your fat loss efforts, not helping.

Easiest way to say it? Metabolism slows, fat stays.

2 ~ Chown down on supportive food choices!

Duh…that was obvious, but as you can tell from the video below about a recent encounter I had at Costco with a “healthy chocolate” food demo…things can get confusing out there.

Take a walk through a typical grocery store and you’ll see tons of food labels that try to get you to believe it’s good for you.

Listen, and this is vital…just because something is touted as fat free, no trans fat, whole grain, sugar free, etc…does NOT mean it’s good for you!

Why not?

Because MOST of these products have loads of processed chemicals, fillers, man-made artificial junk, dangerous toxics and the list goes on.

As a general rule of thumb, stick with plenty of unprocessed lean proteins (meats, eggs, fish, nuts, beans, dairy) with lots of fresh fruit and veggies.

Think “Little House on the Prairie” days…they grew, harvested, picked and hunted their food…no fancy factories, no extraordinarily processed foods…nutrition was much simpler back then, and so should your food choices.

Take look at what I mean by artificial sweetener-filled products that are supposed to be “healthy”:

3 ~ Scrap the Crap

Yes, avoid sugary beverages (a no brainer).

Yes, diet soda can make you fat (the artificial sweeteners cause real sugar cravings which lead to binge eating/drinking with loads of calories).

Put things to the test…look directly at the ingredient list, not just the cool package the food comes in.

Trust me, food manufacturers know the buzz words you want to see on the front label…all the “fat free” mumbo jumbo, etc.

If you can’t pronounce the word or the ingredient list is a mile long…that can't be a good sign.

Bon appetite!