It's no wonder people have gained so much weight.

With TV commercials as misleading, people get confused – a lot of times, it’s just not their fault.

You're inundated with crummy information and myths every time you turn on the TV.

Cookies for breakfast? High fructose corn syrup “ok” because it’s “made from corn”.

Yeah, those are real commercials out there right now. I know, I know - don't get me started on that...well, OK - just a couple words ;) :

Are you joking? A while back they were even running a commercial for some silly Rice Puff product. It was in an office setting and someone had brought in cupcakes for everyone to enjoy.

One woman looked worried she was going to ruin her "diet" because of the temptation and decided to "fill up" on a Rice Puff product.

Come on. You have got to be smarter than that. You know darn well that a rice puff thingy is not going to fill you up and stop you from stuffing your face with cupcakes.

For one thing, you need to expect these junk food offers to arise. Whether you want six pack abs or just want to get to a perfectly healthy weight, you have to have a plan for temptation.

Second, that means you need to plan meals so you aren't completely starving when someone brings cupcakes to your office or something.

You know you need to eat small, frequent and nutritious meals if you really want to achieve fat loss.

Third, if you are looking for a great tasting healthy snack that fulfills your love of chocolate then look no further.

Prograde Cravers are just what the fitness pro ordered.

( Check them out here: )

Cravers are only 180 calories and they are made with 100% organic dark chocolate. They are completely delicious and just like our fast fat burning workouts, they are perfect for busy people on the go.

They even come in three flavors. Personally, I love the chocolate/peanut butter ones :).

Anyway, don't buy the hype on TV. You know better than that.

Keep healthy,


PS - It ends this Thursday! Remember, Prograde Nutrition is currently having a BIG 10.9% off everything January Celebration Sale to celebrate the New Year and the fact they are now shipping to the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.

Yes, that's 10.9 as in January of 2009 ;-)
Here are some other details I want to make sure you know about:
- Again, you receive 10.9% off all Prograde products.
- Offer expires Thursday, January 15th at 11:59pm EST.

- Yes, that 10.9% off will be applicable to SmartShip orders. But it only applies to that first purchase. Not ongoing.

- The coupon code you enter at checkout is:


- The website is
- If you want to check out Prograde Cravers right away go here: