Happy Friday -- the weekend is here - let's make it a fantastic one!

I'll answer the Question of the Week...but first - a little bonus post for ya.

Here's some weekend tips to keep you strong and sexy:

1.) Keep a water bottle with you. This will serve as a good reminder to continue drinking water and will help you stay hydrated, prevent you from becoming too hungry, as well. Ditch the diet soda, Gatorade or 'vitamin' water...simple ol' h2o will do the trick.

2.) Set some "weekend specific" goals that you'd like to accomplish, such as three cardio sessions for at least 20 minutes each. Preferably, include interval cardio for max effects in shortest time.

3.) If you plan on being on the go, put together some healthy snacks in convenient places, such as the glove compartment of your car or your purse. Cut up vegetables and put them in zip lock bags. You might also put some peanut butter, cottage cheese, or humus in small containers as well.

4.) Load up on vegetables first (no - fried or draped in dressing veggies are NOT included on this list, sorry) At almost every social gathering there are vegetable trays and other veggie options. Grab some and think fiber first.

5.) Find someone to hold you accountable on Mondays.

You are more likely to resist temptation and stay focused
if you know you have to report to your “accountability partner”.

6.) Sometimes we like to have "cheat meals" on the weekend, and that's cool, but don't allow yourself to get carried away. Enjoy, but be ready to get right back on track.


OK, so here's the Question of the Week:

Since the summer swimsuit season is pretty much ready to launch, have you decided on what you want with regards to your weight loss?

I meet so many folks who are under a fitness deadline, so to speak…weddings, reunions, trips, vacations are looming so the pressure to look their very best can build…but so many are confused on exactly how long it’s going to take for them to see results from their efforts.

I recently spoke with one of our boot campers and the question was simple and direct:

“What is the safest weight loss
possible within one week?”

Here’s the answer: with a properly designed training program that is balanced with the right amount of strength and cardio workouts, along with focusing on wiser food choices, AND being faithful to this healthier lifestyle for at least 3 weeks…you can expect to peel off an average of 2 pounds of unwanted body fat each and every week.

Since I help my campers get lean and strong with helping transform their bodies the right way…notice what I said: I referenced losing “fat” not just losing “weight”.

There is a difference. You see, being skinny and weak is no way to go through life either.

Anyone can easily strip away calories, starve themselves, exercise for hours and hours on end and lose “weight”. Some even jump on the latest diet plan or take dangerous “miracle” pills to drop the lbs.

Is this a good (healthy and long lasting) plan?

Me thinks not!

This warped plan of fat attack can result in disappointing long term effects, less energy, soft and weak muscles and eventually frustration… because no one is really able to sustain such ridiculous demands on their body (and time).

Guess what happens then? Yup, the old unhealthy routine kicks back in and the 3 little numbers on the scale start to climb back up.

So what is a better (and more efficient) plan?

Be realistic with your deadlines, make better food choices and start training your body with more efficiency…all of which are outlined in our complete boot camp training system.

So there you go...have a fantastic weekend – now get out there and get some sun – it’s beautiful!

PS: Remember, if you haven’t activated your free trial – get on it now – and for current boot camp members, don't forget you can earn free boot camp by referring your friends and family - starting today!

Keep healthy,

Arizona Fitness Boot Camp