We’re rolling through springtime, and the heat of May is on the horizon.
Spring is here and the warm summer weather is crankin’ up…aren’t you lovin’ it? ;)

Since May is on the horizon, you know that high school seniors are getting amped up
for graduation…but also means that most are in the old familiar “senioritis” slump…ah yes – I remember it well: blowing off homework, skipping a few classes, staying out late, etc…

But, what they (and their parents) should be most concerned about is fighting the scary trend of gaining 12+ lbs their freshman year in college.

Let’s stop this dangerous weight gain before it starts!

Seriously, they might soon start calling it the FRESHMAN 50 if someone doesn’t step in right NOW and educate our youngsters about proper training and sound nutrition.

I remember packing on the pounds from all the extra partying (shhh…don’t tell my parents), so I know firsthand how important this info is and I really wish someone shared it with me before I graduated high school.

Even if you don’t have any immediate graduates around, chances are you know someone who does…this is vital and I encourage you to pass this email/blog post along to friends or family who so have seniors about to graduate.

Before I share my top 9 tips to fight this trend, let’s first identify why this is important, beyond the obvious health benefits:

1.) This Is Not Guesswork, This Is Reality: Studies have repeatedly shown that healthier, more attractive people are more employable and earn higher wages. Albeit wrong to discriminate based on physical appearance, if you want a fighting chance of getting and keeping a job, you simply cannot overlook your personal appearance and presentation.

2.) Sculpt a Recession-Proof Body: Whenever the economy is struggling and companies are forced to tighten up their budgets, they’ll “trim the fat” from their employee base (both literally and figuratively). If it comes down to two people with equal skills, the leaner, healthier employee will always win…yes, again, I know this isn’t the way it should be, but let’s be real about the way society typically works.

Alright, enough chit chat…let’s get down to it!

The Top 9 Tips to Fight the Freshman 12

TIP #1- Always Use Total Body Workouts

Start by performing five body weight exercises designed to work your upper body, lower body, and core within the same workout at least three times per week.

For example, you can toggle between 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of transition and rest for each a double-leg (e.g. squat), push (e.g. push-up), single-leg (e.g. lunge), pull (e.g. row), and core (e.g. plank/bridge) exercise.

Perform up to 4 rounds without rest for an awesome 20-minute total body shaping workout that you can do almost anywhere.

TIP #2- Understand (and Use) the Power of Interval Training

FACT: Interval training (cardio and strength) is scientifically proven to burn nine times more body fat than ordinary exercise and elevates metabolism for up to 24-48 hours following your workout.

You would be well off to perform cardio intervals on non-strength training days three times per week. Selecting your cardio exercise of choice, alternate between 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest and repeat this 30 second interval eight times for four total minutes followed by a one-minute rest. Repeat for up to 20 total minutes.

-You can use a variety of things to accomplish a body weight cardio session…a stationary bike, sprinting, jumping jacks or even jumping rope.

TIP #3-
Eat AND Hydrate All Day

- Have breakfast immediately upon waking and then every two to four hours to starve the fat and build muscle. Include 2-4 cups of water and keep 1-2 cups coming every couple of hours…even more if you are training or just an active person.

- By continuously fueling your fat burning metabolic furnace, and eating some sort of complete animal protein (meat, eggs, cheese, etc.) at every feeding, you'll also keep your metabolism stoked throughout the day and prevent all too common binge eating.

- Consume 3 servings of green tea per day. The power of this little gem is undeniable. Drink it hot or pour it over ice. Either way…just do it.

TIP #4- It's All About The Timing: Think Fiber When it Comes to Carbs

- Use an unlimited amount of fibrous, cruciferous green veggies to fill your belly both during and between meals and to provide the majority of your "carb" intake. (Avoid or limit corn, peas, carrots, beets, and potatoes).

- for optimal total body fat-burning, try to limit fruit and other carbohydrate consumption to within 1-2 hours post-workout when your body best tolerates starches and sugars.

You can also implement the "Carb Timing" Blueprint:

Step #1- Replace all white carbs with 100% whole grain carbs and all refined sugars with natural sugars

Step #2- Position your intake of all whole grain starch and natural sugar consumption to within 1-2 hours post-workout or immediately upon waking for breakfast.

Step #3- Replace all processed starches and refined sugars with fruits and veggies

Step #4- Replace all fruits with green veggies. (This is an advanced step and not meant for long term usage).

TIP #5- Use Pillar Exercises for a Flat Belly and 6 Pack Abs

-By implementing total body workouts with sound nutrition is the key to burning the fat covering your abdominal muscles. Endless crunches on the ab machine at the gym is useless for fat loss. Spot reduction is a MYTH.

- Pillar stabilization movements are key to developing rock hard abs, preventing injuries, and improving posture. Forget sit ups, ab belt gizmos, tons of crunches…make better use of your time and energy.

- The pillar collectively consists of your shoulders, hips, and core. It is your body’s powerhouse, foundational to all movement.

-For maximum benefits, you must seek to maintain a tight pillar position during all movements by actively sucking your belly button to your spine, squeezing your glutes, and maintaining a diving board line from the heels through the shoulders.

TIP #6- Be a Flexible Eater

-Allot yourself 1 or 2 “reward meals” per week where you can enjoy the indulgences of college life. This tip is meant to be used in MODERATION as needed!

-Be sure to plan your reward meals in advance based on your weekly schedule and be sure to earn them with nutritional compliance at all other times!

TIP #7- Take These 2 daily Supplements for the rest of your life:

- Daily Whole Food Multi-Vitamin for Your Gender

- Daily EFA/Fish Oil Supplement (Krill Oil is best)

For trusted info on product examples, visit: http://www.curtis.getprograde.com

TIP #8- If you booze, you WILL NOT Lose!

-So what's the harm? I'll tell you...a 12-ounce beer contains about 0.6 ounces of alcohol. If you consumed 5 of these, your body would be inhibited from fat burning for up to 6 hours. This is aside from the fact that your body will actually be storing fat during these 6 hours! The more you drink, the longer your body is held up in its quest for greater fat burning and lean muscle growth. As you might imagine, just a single drinking binge can set you back days if not a full week when it comes to fat loss!

- Worst-case scenario? Mixing alcohol with sugary beverages promotes even further fat gain due to the resulting insulin surge that triggers your body to hold onto the fat for as long as it can (e.g. regular beer or cocktails mixed with regular soda and/or energy drinks like Red Bull).

- What's the bottom line? To maximize fat loss and lean muscle gain… you must minimize alcohol consumption!

TIP #9-
Sleep, Stretch, and Self-Massage

- Sleep: Get at least 6-7 hours (preferably 7 or 8) of restful sleep per night and take 1-2 hour naps to fill in the gaps. Establish a pre-bed routine and limit caffeine intake to early in the day.

- Stretch: Ideally perform Dynamic Stretching to mobilize and strengthen joints BEFORE your exercise and perform Static Stretching to lengthen muscles AFTER exercise.

- Self-Massage: Spend at least 30-60 seconds massaging sore and tight areas of the body before and after your workouts to regenerate your muscle and connective tissue thus preventing those nagging aches and pains in the joints and lower back muscles. A Foam Roller is the perfect tool for this.

I truly hope you either use and/or share these 9 simple strategies to secure a future filled with health, happiness, and longevity.

Body Fat Enemy #1,


PS: Please forward this info to anyone you know who can benefit from it as well! :)